Building up to putting my first cards in...


Club Champion
Dec 5, 2007
Played 18 this morning, went round in 95 so not great...
However, I vary between 90- 100 so obviously will put my better cards in.
The question is- Am I putting them in too soon? I first picked a club up about a year or so ago, but only joined a club and therefore been playing regularly since September.
I want a handicap, however high just so I can start to play competitions (when I get my confidence up a bit more- had to play off "next doors" fairway in front of a 4 ball who all stopped to watch, and needless to say topped it a beauty :o )

What was your 1st handicap, and when did you start to notice it drop the most? Is this usually at the start when it's high or does it vary player to player?

Gods my iron play today was bobbins.
Not bad off the tee though, but as the yanks say "Driving for show, putting for dough".
If that were the case I'd be bankrupt!!! :D

I have hopes for around the 24 mark but will wait & see...
Put 'em in. Get that handicap, however high, then start playing. You never know, if you are given 27 you may win something while coming down.

My 1st handicap was 15. Struggled for a few months but then got used to it. After 18 months i started winning Medals and other compys and it soon came down.

I play off 24 and still have not broken 90. I am scoring 92-100 most rounds.

I would get your cards in so you can start to take part in your club comps.

My first h/c was 28 , but you will find with practice it could drop very quick.( Unfortunatly I don't have time to practice that much.)

In my first comp , I played quite a lot of shots of the other fairway, but it's all good fun.

Let me know how you get on .

Good luck

you can't get your handicap down 'til you've got one and start playing comps. I started at 24 and have moved up to 24.5, but it's my first year of comps (and I'm not McIlroy).
Why are you hesitating? If you start high and are good enough you'll come down.

anyway shouldn't you play nominated rounds for a h/c rather than pick and choose?
I am praying for a high hcp when I hand my cards in el banditto :cool: for a time anyway, just waiting for some decent weather to record my cards.

btw I play off unofficial 15.1 after a year, but as mentioned in the other thread it doesnt take into account the added pressure of playing with strangers or in comps, so I bet it will be around the 20-22 mark, but higher means I get more shots in comps and more chance of winning ;)
However, I vary between 90- 100 so obviously will put my better cards in.

Put in the first 3 you've done! Please don't hand in 3 90s, not that it'll make any difference.

I started on 24 and it's a great figure to aim for, I remember the good old days of having 2 shots on SI 1-6, what a swizz!!!
What's it like to have 2 shots on a hole?? Never even had a shot a hole - its my own fault I suppose....

I's take some fathoming!!!

I give miss mini-RGuk 2 shots a hole in matchplay.....seems excessive on a 100 yd par 3! Takes after her dad and makes sure of the bogey!!!!

Been playing properly for a year since Oct 07, but had a few lesson before that. Just can't get enough of the great game.
Thanks for the replies guys- I didn't realise you couldn't pick your cards... or did I misread a reply?
I guess it makes sense to put some "hummers" in to start, and hopefully(!) play better that it, which in turn will boost the flagging confidence when it DOES drop!
Ah- and they call football the beautiful game... sacré bleu!
My first club handicap was 23. Bit of an odd one, but never mind. I really struggled to play to it for the first couple of years, I struggled to get through the ball and couldn't get my head around it. Put a pine cone on the deck, or an apple core and I would hit it straight and for miles. Put a ball down in front of me and I became a nervous wreck!
Took quite a few lessons, and some drills for me to get hitting it properly, and buying some new woods which gave me confidence helped. My handicap came down from 23 to 14 very quickly after that and eventually got down to 10. Slipped out to 11 just before I left the club and have been playing to that (or thereabouts) ever since.
I’m not going to argue with what’s said above but I played as much as possible before I went for my HC. I only wanted one thing, a HC that was as low as I could possibly get. I never had any notions whatsoever to put in hummers. When I got my first HC I wanted to win without any HC cushion, I wanted to win with improved play.
I wouldn't pick which cards you put in. Just play three rounds and get your handicap regardless of what it is. Its only once you start playing competitive golf where every shot counts that you will see an improvement. It means you have to think your way round more and take your medicine when you hit bad shots and use your shots (especially on those holes you get two on) wisely.

I wouldn't worry which fairway you are playing from. At the end of the day if you hook or slice onto an adjacent hole, play a recovery back onto the hole you are playing, hit the green with your 3rd and two putt its a five net 4 and who will know how you got it.
Thanks for the replies guys- I didn't realise you couldn't pick your cards... or did I misread a reply?

Well, I couldn't comment on the exact "form" but in essence if the onus is on YOU to hand in 3 cards, you could choose 3 bad 'uns or 3 good 'uns. I just handed in my first 3.

I "could" have ignored the low card (approx 80) and given in 3 84's say. I, like many others of some golf longevity, would go for the lowest possible h'cap even if it means less chance of (easy wins)......that, to me, is in the spirit of the game.
I, like many others of some golf longevity, would go for the lowest possible h'cap even if it means less chance of (easy wins)......that, to me, is in the spirit of the game.

This was how I thought you were meant to do it...
I'm starting to confuse myself (not hard)
I suppose I should put in cards maybe reflecting how I generally play.
If I put in 3 poo cards, I'd feel a bit of a cheat, but by the same token my 3 best aren't going to be representative either...
Just play and hand your cards in, if you start picking and chosing which cards you hand in you will do the same in comps and not bother handing in if its not to your liking, people who shoot a great score but know they have won nothing are notorious for this as they dont want to lose a stroke. It starts you on that dodgy path of naughty golf tactics and unfairness.

If you have decided to putcards in, then play and do it, dont ask yourself questions or get psyched up to a method you have in your head for putting cards in. Just play the rounds and hand them in!
Just play and hand your cards in, if you start picking and chosing which cards you hand in you will do the same in comps and not bother handing in if its not to your liking, people who shoot a great score but know they have won nothing are notorious for this as they dont want to lose a stroke. It starts you on that dodgy path of naughty golf tactics and unfairness.

If you have decided to putcards in, then play and do it, dont ask yourself questions or get psyched up to a method you have in your head for putting cards in. Just play the rounds and hand them in!

Sensational :) .....wise herbs from the great sage....or is that wise sage from the great herb!!