Bounce games.

It's a term that seems to be recognised throughout UK, but the first time I heard it was when working in Scotland. Equivalent to 'friendly', with nothing substantial actually on the result.
I got the impression that it came from Football - a final 'nothing on it' kickabout at the end of a practice session.
I've played football most of my life, in the playground, down the park, training with a team - have never once heard the words 'bounce game' in that context.
I have had a bit of a rivalry with my mate Ben. I've known him over ten years, but it was only about 6 or so years ago that we decided to get back into golf. He, like me, had played when he was younger and then sacked it off for a few years. We joined our first golf club together, got handicaps of 17 (him) and 24 (me). We've both come down at a similar rate since, he got to 11 a while ago but is now on 13, I got down to 14 very briefly with the WHS changeover, but then settled at 15. So he's always been a little bit better than me, which is good for my competitive edge I think - but I think since last summer that's started to change and I've certainly been playing better than him in that time. We've not entered many comps which is why the handicaps stay as they are, but I often beat him on gross score now whereas that used to be more of a rarity. He's had major slice problems with the driver, and his chipping is so bad it borders on yips now, I think without those two issues he'd certainly be off single figures. For me, my putting has come on leaps and bounds since a lesson I had before Christmas, I feel really confident that I can get to 13 this year, and maybe finally surpass my mate's handicap after all these years. I feel like he'll be heartbroken if I do. :LOL:
I have had a bit of a rivalry with my mate Ben. I've known him over ten years, but it was only about 6 or so years ago that we decided to get back into golf. He, like me, had played when he was younger and then sacked it off for a few years. We joined our first golf club together, got handicaps of 17 (him) and 24 (me). We've both come down at a similar rate since, he got to 11 a while ago but is now on 13, I got down to 14 very briefly with the WHS changeover, but then settled at 15. So he's always been a little bit better than me, which is good for my competitive edge I think - but I think since last summer that's started to change and I've certainly been playing better than him in that time. We've not entered many comps which is why the handicaps stay as they are, but I often beat him on gross score now whereas that used to be more of a rarity. He's had major slice problems with the driver, and his chipping is so bad it borders on yips now, I think without those two issues he'd certainly be off single figures. For me, my putting has come on leaps and bounds since a lesson I had before Christmas, I feel really confident that I can get to 13 this year, and maybe finally surpass my mate's handicap after all these years. I feel like he'll be heartbroken if I do. :LOL:

your mate who cant chip has a lower handicap than you :o now it makes more sense ;):ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I've played football most of my life, in the playground, down the park, training with a team - have never once heard the words 'bounce game' in that context.
Nope, never applied to football, it's a golf term.
your mate who cant chip has a lower handicap than you :eek: now it makes more sense ;):ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
He even has a chipper in the bag - any other time I would rinse him for using it, but yesterday I would have encouraged it, but he never reached for it. I guess my prior ridicule came back to bite me there.
He even has a chipper in the bag - any other time I would rinse him for using it, but yesterday I would have encouraged it, but he never reached for it. I guess my prior ridicule came back to bite me there.

think if he was putting through mud hed gone past the point of ridicule lol, if not you need to show him the thread on here to finish him off ;)
think if he was putting through mud hed gone past the point of ridicule lol, if not you need to show him the thread on here to finish him off ;)
After seeing the difference my putting lesson has made, I think he's going to go to the same pro for chipping lessons. Wish he'd done that before the match when it could actually benefit me though..