BMW Practice Day


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2008
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Back from the practice day so thought I would share my opinion on the day. It was an enjoyable day and was very interesting watching how the pro's go about things. The length of time they spend on the putting green for one.

Two stand out memories, watching Kaymer hit 5 woods to a very small green 250 yards away and hit it every time. Watching Stenson hit golf balls. I cannot explain the difference but his ball flight and the noise off the club was just in a different class to the rest of the pro's. I guess that is what they mean by pure ball strikers. Stenson is clearly battling something in his swing as his right hand kept coming off the club and he and his coach were working hard on something.

In terms of access it was brilliant, it was very quiet in terms of crowds so whether watching at the driving range, putting greens, short game area or on the course we never encountered any issues with not having great views.

Due to it being so quiet you could get really close to the players out on the course particularly around the greens and it was very interesting watching them chip and putt to various dummy pin placements. The variety of shots used to one spot was an eye opener depending on the player, a chip and run, a land half way and let the ball release, a low bullet high spin chip and a high lob, all resulting in being no more than 2 ft away most of the time. The club head speed they use on the high lobs when they want the ball to only go 5 ft before landing is amazing.

In general the bigger names either went out very late in the day or not at all. While the Spaniards, South Africans etc all seemed to go out in four balls having a laugh and a game most of the English players seemed to prefer to go out on their own.

Followed Fitzpatrick for a bit, his short game is a bit wonky, quite a few duffed chips. Followed Willet for a couple of holes as well, he didn't crack a smile once and looked very fed up with life.

The lack of big names on the course was the only slight disappointment on a great day.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Sounds great. Perfect day for it as well. I went to the practice day last year and loved it. Wanted to go again this year but work this week has been insane :(

I'm going Sunday as usual and can't wait. Got a e-mail about increased security checks and delays, any problems getting in ?

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Wilf, it really does make you realise they play a different game. The sound of the strike and the height of the iron shots were what stood out for me.

The surprise was how many putts the pro's miss. No question, the greens will be far quicker than I have ever played on but they still miss a lot. The pace of the putts is usually spot on though.

Hosel Fade

Tour Rookie
Apr 26, 2016
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Wilf, it really does make you realise they play a different game. The sound of the strike and the height of the iron shots were what stood out for me.

The surprise was how many putts the pro's miss. No question, the greens will be far quicker than I have ever played on but they still miss a lot. The pace of the putts is usually spot on though.
Reckon thats quite a common misconception as you only see the ones that are holing everything on TV, average on tour from 5' is only 75% and the 50/50 distance is about 7.5'


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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There's nothing to beat that fizz that the tour pro gets from the ball...
I've done it occasionally, although not for a while.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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There's nothing to beat that fizz that the tour pro gets from the ball...
I've done it occasionally, although not for a while.

I usually spend a good amount of time watching them hit balls on the range and the overriding thought I tend to come away with is "How the hell did that go that far because it hardly looked like they hit that at all."

The ball just seems to hang in the air for ever. I think it's witchcraft personally :p

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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I went to the practice day as well and had similar thoughts to you. Is it just me or does every shot they hit sound more like a clap / slap than anything else? Even with a driver it was very clap / slap sounding and no ping sound whatsoever.

Followed Fitzpatrick 1-5th hole, approaches to greens were very good, then hung around the 7th-11th watching various players come through and followed the South Africans 12 to 18 then sat and watched everyone come through the 18th.

Very inspiring day indeed.
Overheard Jaco Van Zyl say he allows himself 2 absolute rips at the ball per tournament and it has to be the right time and place. Every other shot is his "usual swing". Interesting.

Like you, amazed at how effortless their swings are yet theyre hitting is miles. Fitzpatrick hit an 8 iron on the 2nd (playing 154yd) which looked very lazy with a low trajectory and it pitched on the back fringe border and rolled back to within 3 feet. Amazing.

Back on the weekend :)
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Club Champion
Feb 26, 2016
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Went yesterday for the pro-am and saw both incredible and terrible golf! Nice to see the pros as human beings as well as top top players.

Stenson off the tee is quite something. Looking forward to tomorrow now! I could sit on the hill behind the 8th green all weekend. Lovely spot!


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi, I didn't have any issues but we were first there and there were only about 3 people waiting to get in :). We had our bags checked though and there were sniffer dogs etc so I could see it being a bit slower when the volumes pick up


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2008
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Wilf, it really does make you realise they play a different game. The sound of the strike and the height of the iron shots were what stood out for me.

The surprise was how many putts the pro's miss. No question, the greens will be far quicker than I have ever played on but they still miss a lot. The pace of the putts is usually spot on though.

I watched Luke Donald on the practice green and he did a clock drill which was at a distance of maybe 6 ft (2 of his caddies paces plus 2 shoes) he missed @ 40% of them which did shock me a little. Guess it is why he has slipped down the rankings a bit as overheard him and his caddy chatting that he normally gets more.