Generally my wife is pretty understanding. She is relieved that I have taken up golf over rugby as, aside from not coming back battered and bruised, a day of rugby started at 11.00 and I would not be back until the following morning due to the customary beers etc after the game. At least I am only gone for about 5 hours now can am relatively coherent when I get home.

As for the TV issue, have Sky+ upstairs and downstairs so she can watch what she wants when something like the the Ryder Cup is on.
Mine has commented many times over the last 2/3yrs that my membership was a waste of money as I didnt play enough,........

This year, she's commenting that I'm playing too much........

Women. - Cant live with 'em.................cant live with 'em.

This pleased ex and daughter (as I came off old bike several times - b**** somerset farmers!) and partner (as her son has been in hospital with various broken bits a few times).
Viscount, I can understand your ''ex'' preferring you to play golf instead of falling off your bike. But are you telling us that golf buggered your marriage? You wouldn't be the first. :rolleyes:
Basically guys we're just a set of chauvenistic, selfish bar stewards.

I used to play football and be out all day. I played golf and was out 5 days a week, then I fished and stayed out all day. All this with youngster.
Never spent any time with H.I.D. Golf was worse in that I was playing nearly every day. Got an ultimatum and packed it in.
Years passed and after realising what I would have been missing with the nipper had I continued "she was right"(but i wouldn't tell her that). As he grew up, she became more relaxed about it and now encourages me to go and play as she knows it relaxes me. She likes reading and shopping, I have no probolem with that.
She has never questioned my spending on fishing gear, car or golf gear.
She is a diamond, I just didn't realise it until I almost lost it.
Just be a little more understanding.
A bit late in giving you my(humourous? tale of how women always win!)My ex(lovely girl)got so teed off with me being out Sat&Sun golfing that she decided that she would jion the club.Seven years later was lady captain!!!!!!!!!It can damage your ego being drawn out in bounce games being referred to as 'the lady captain's husband!!!!!'
Stay on her sweet side,make time for her and the kids or it will come back and bite you on the bum!!! :(