Beginner Technique


May 27, 2016
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Hi everyone!

I am really new to golf; I only started going to the driving range about 3 weeks ago and I have never played on a course. I've watched some YouTube videos on swing technique and tried to replicate them.

I've uploaded a slightly slowed down version of my swing on YouTube as I can't attach a video to this post. It would be great if people could give me some pointers on how to improve!

Here's the link:

I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I'm using an 8 Iron in the clip. Please keep in mind I'm very new to the sport haha.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Good start, you have a nice looking setup, it would be good to see a video taken from the front as well.

Your main problem is that you are swinging mainly with your arms and you need to rotate your legs, hips and shoulders more.

Well done so far.


May 27, 2016
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Good start, you have a nice looking setup, it would be good to see a video taken from the front as well.

Your main problem is that you are swinging mainly with your arms and you need to rotate your legs, hips and shoulders more.

Well done so far.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely keep that in mind next time.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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At address your weight is too much in you heels as you squat down. Stand a bit taller and get the weight even in your feet.
But more importantly, you must finish up on your right toe at the end of the swing, at the moment, both your feet are flat on the ground


Assistant Pro
May 5, 2016
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I am in a similar position to you. I played when I was in my teens (now 32) So I still hit the ball quite well but the best bit of advice I can give is get a few lessons with a professional. Not sure where you live but if you google get into golf there are quite a few initiatives this month with offers on lessons. My local club is offereing 5 x 1 hours group lessons for £25 quid....I was the only one who signed up so had a one on one lesson for an hour for £5 :)
But spending 30 quid on an hour long lesson will be more beneficial than spending 30 quid hitting a few hundred balls at the range. I had my first lesson on Tuesday and had my grip totally changed and gave me a few pointers on my swing. As is said above you need get your body more involved. (My pro said to me best way to do this is when you bring the club back, keep the head as low as possible, when the club naturally starts coming up your hips should be pointing away from where you are aiming. On the downswing when the club shaft is parallel with the floor your hips should of already started to move and be facing towards the target at about 45 degrees. As you hit the ball your hips should be a little further round depending on your flexibility I suppose, and your right foot should be coming off the floor. Hopefully that makes sense....not easy to understand in text form without someone showing you.

Like I said I could hit the ball well but direction was a bit of pot luck....I changed my grip and immediately hit 8/10 shots perfectly straight.

If you are serious about getting better then having a few lessons will be the best money you can spend on golf. No point spending weeks being frustrated at the range!

Good luck and enjoy


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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If you are serious about getting better then having a few lessons will be the best money you can spend on golf. No point spending weeks being frustrated at the range!

Good luck and enjoy

Very wise words. Get the basics right early on and it will give you a firm foundation. Be aware though that they need constant checking, especially posture and alignment. Keep them in check and work on the drills from the lesson and trust what you've learned when you go out on the course. Enjoy the process but remember it's on the course that counts and where you'll learn to play different shots and from different lies


May 27, 2016
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At address your weight is too much in you heels as you squat down. Stand a bit taller and get the weight even in your feet.
But more importantly, you must finish up on your right toe at the end of the swing, at the moment, both your feet are flat on the ground

Thanks for the advice; I'll start working on that.


May 27, 2016
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I am in a similar position to you. I played when I was in my teens (now 32) So I still hit the ball quite well but the best bit of advice I can give is get a few lessons with a professional. Not sure where you live but if you google get into golf there are quite a few initiatives this month with offers on lessons. My local club is offereing 5 x 1 hours group lessons for £25 quid....I was the only one who signed up so had a one on one lesson for an hour for £5 :)
As is said above you need get your body more involved. (My pro said to me best way to do this is when you bring the club back, keep the head as low as possible, when the club naturally starts coming up your hips should be pointing away from where you are aiming. On the downswing when the club shaft is parallel with the floor your hips should of already started to move and be facing towards the target at about 45 degrees. As you hit the ball your hips should be a little further round depending on your flexibility I suppose, and your right foot should be coming off the floor. Hopefully that makes sense....not easy to understand in text form without someone showing you.

I had a look online and the offers for my area aren't as good as the ones you mentioned, but it's not as expensive as I thought. I'll more than likely take a few lessons.

Great detailed advice! Thanks a lot; that's really helpful.