Bar Levy £30 due to be introduced then change of mind!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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That bit in bold would get my back up, what if I (or a member) had a serious leg break during the season or a long illness and struggled to use the club during the playing season? That would really grind my bones!

I'm not against a levy, had them in the past and always used it and topped it up regularly. Personally I think your club needs to rethink that stance. Then again I'm not a member of your club so maybe my opinion doesn't count.
In such a circumstance I am sure the club would make an allowance and extend the use by date of the levy. It's simply a case of being open and honest and asking the question up front. The issue we had last time was a number of members simply descended on the bar in the last few days and cleared the club of its stock of wines to the point where it had to get stock in at the 11th hour to have enough for a function.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Good timing as I understand we're re-introducing the levy in March (talk of £50) and have just increased bar prices. That is due as I don't think there has been a significant rise for a while and the club has worked hard to keep prices down and we still get a 15% discount. I am definitely in favour of a levy and really think if people are that much of a car park golfer, and I suggest a 5 day member/and or senior paying reduced rates and they don't like it, try and find a local club offering the same quality of course and prices. Is it really too much, especially in the summer to pop in for a refreshing drink after a round. Are people really that pushed that an extra 15-20 minutes is the end of the world?

Yes I get the argument that people have family arrangements and commitments. However why not start 15 minutes earlier, and stop and support the club after the round by having a drink. Ultimately the levy will be swallowed by the club if its unspent and I understand they are stopping the usual frenzy of going into the bar and simply buying up a few bottles of the club's decent wines when the levy is up. The other point to be be made is our card now has the bar levy (or your current money put on it) and your competition purse on one account so they can use it by entering competitions, even if its the seniors only ones. It has been explained quite clearly in the AGM and correspondence why its back and how it is to be used. Let the fun begin.
What you're, loosely, implying is that you want these "car park" members to bugger off and find somewhere else to play just because they don't come into the bar for a come and a bag of crisps at the end of their game....


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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What you're, loosely, implying is that you want these "car park" members to bugger off and find somewhere else to play just because they don't come into the bar for a come and a bag of crisps at the end of their game....
I do find it frustrating that over the course of 52 weeks a year none can find the way from the boot of their car to the clubhouse. I imagine some will vote with their feet anyway when it comes in, but I do also think they'll struggle to find a club where they can get round as quickly, on a course in as good a condition (especially the greens this year) and at a comparable price. That itself is probably a whole new thread. Others will pay (begrudgingly no doubt) and it may get a few trying to spend a few quid (I doubt it) and I can simply see most trying to buy in bulk last minute (not going to happen according to the powers that be) or simply letting it get eaten up.

Will it be the end of the club? I doubt it, certainly in the short term. I am sure the club will go onto social media to attract new members and as 5 day membership and access to midweek competitions seems to be something sought after at clubs (how many did the Zoo offer?) I am sure over time they'll cover the numbers going. Most I imagine will simply make a lot of noise and carry on


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Heard it all before. I disagree with it. Its a lazy committee's cop out. Create an atmosphere that makes people want to be there. A decent committee will talk to the brewery's own marketing dept and ask them what is working in their tied pubs. All breweries run different offers that a decent club will have access to if they asked = barrelage discounts, spirit discounts, seasonal beers/wines. Seasonal promotional offers and posters. Very few clubs do.

The financial argument;

How many new bar visitors will a bar card bring in? Some? Lots? If a club has 800 members paying £30 = £24,000. Deduct the current regular footfall from that. Base it on the usual comp uptake in all categories + what the midweek seniors etc contribute + social visitors. You've added, potentially, £12,000 extra - not a bad number. A usual margin will see a 'take' of around £3,000 - ok-ish. What would a club need to add to the annual subs to make £3,000? Less than £4 per member. But when you then look at the 10% discount(sweetener) given to the members to float it, thats 10% off the full year's bar take...OMG, what looked like a good idea actually costs the club money. And that's an annual 10% off the take. And that's without the cost of introducing the card system, e.g. new tills, extra was £6k the last time I looked at a project to do the same, and that was about 15 years ago.

Taking a typical club take of around £100,000. That becomes £112,000 with the introduction of the card system(car park member's contribution over and above the regular take). Minus the 10% discount takes it back to £100,800 and then minus the initial cost of the system = £95,000-ish.

There will be a levy figure that works, maybe £50-£70-£100 as a start up.

Brilliant idea that so many people beat a drum about... more like great marketing by the people that devise these things.

I was never a car park member, at times being in the club on average 5 times a week at least, more in summer. I dread to think what my annual 'contribution' was. But 'strong-arming' members into going into the bar is just wrong in my mind. Forcing them to pay for a facility that I enjoy but they don't... is that right?

All club membership is voluntary no one is forcing anyone to pay anything . Having a bar levy does not preclude other forms of promotion but at our club it certainly appears successful in getting more people into the clubhouse. If you didn't call it a bar levy but offered free bar vouchers within a disguised increase in subs would that be acceptable? Still a promotion.

The bar card has other benefits to the club with less use of cash.

Some people use the bar more than the course are they being strong armed into paying a course fee?


Sep 11, 2011
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All club membership is voluntary no one is forcing anyone to pay anything . Having a bar levy does not preclude other forms of promotion but at our club it certainly appears successful in getting more people into the clubhouse. If you didn't call it a bar levy but offered free bar vouchers within a disguised increase in subs would that be acceptable? Still a promotion.

The bar card has other benefits to the club with less use of cash.

Some people use the bar more than the course are they being strong armed into paying a course fee?

Your first point; semantics and splitting hairs. A pay up or else attitude... But why not just look at the net take and charge extra on the subs commensurate to that.

Unless totally cashless there still has to be a visit to the bank every week. Rather pointless point really.

I'm not even sure what (little) point you're trying to make with your last point?

Down the years, as I've moved around the UK and abroad, I've seen its introduction and occasional withdrawal on a number of occasions. It works sometimes, and sometimes I've seen it cost the club money.

What it also creates is greater peaks and troughs in revenue. A great, extra lump at the beginning of the year - that could be achieved by being 'honest' with the members and saying the club needs x subs. You then get a period when there is little bar revenue coming in, as people use their bar credit. There'll then be ripples throughout the years as cards are recharged. At the very end of the year, when money needs to be coming in very regularly as the year's lump runs out...

You think its a good idea, and it is in some cases. I don't like it for various reasons... lets agree to disagree.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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We have had a bar levy for about 5 years and I dont mind at all. If a member cant spend £30, £40 or £50 in the clubhouse over a year then I'd be surprised

Deleted member 15344

Have had the bar levy ever since I have been a member - it’s normally gone by end of Feb , no one seems to complain about and any surplus helps pay for the Sky ?

Deleted member 3432

We have had a bar levy for about 5 years and I dont mind at all. If a member cant spend £30, £40 or £50 in the clubhouse over a year then I'd be surprised

I reckon I was in was the bar once this year. Not hanging around post golf as I have a life outside of golf.

Some on here may think that makes me a 2nd class member of my club.

I disagree there is more to being a member than getting pissed up in the bar or stuffing your face.

I will help out with divot filling when volunteers are asked for at certain times of the year and my 6 year old has started lessons at the club this year so hopefully I am doing my bit in 'growing the game' with a potential member of the future.

Why not just put the price of subs up and be done with it instead of applying a membership 'tax'?


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I reckon I was in was the bar once this year. Not hanging around post golf as I have a life outside of golf.

Some on here may think that makes me a 2nd class member of my club.

I disagree there is more to being a member than getting pissed up in the bar or stuffing your face.

I will help out with divot filling when volunteers are asked for at certain times of the year and my 6 year old has started lessons at the club this year so hopefully I am doing my bit in 'growing the game' with a potential member of the future.

Why not just put the price of subs up and be done with it instead of applying a membership 'tax'?

No ones talking about getting pissed or stuffing your face. I NEVER drink at the club as I drive and usually pop in for a tea, coffee or soft drink after games. The levy is just a way to encourage members to use the facilities and if you choose not to then that's your choice but a £50 levy on a card is better for about 85% of our members who use the levy up.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I reckon I was in was the bar once this year. Not hanging around post golf as I have a life outside of golf.

Some on here may think that makes me a 2nd class member of my club.

I disagree there is more to being a member than getting pissed up in the bar or stuffing your face.

I will help out with divot filling when volunteers are asked for at certain times of the year and my 6 year old has started lessons at the club this year so hopefully I am doing my bit in 'growing the game' with a potential member of the future.

Why not just put the price of subs up and be done with it instead of applying a membership 'tax'?
Not sure anyone is implying going in and drinking your fill of beer or gorging out one food but surely nothing wrong with a soft drink or a pot of tea after the game every now and then.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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No ones talking about getting pissed or stuffing your face. I NEVER drink at the club as I drive and usually pop in for a tea, coffee or soft drink after games. The levy is just a way to encourage members to use the facilities and if you choose not to then that's your choice but a £50 levy on a card is better for about 85% of our members who use the levy up.
I've topped up my card 4 or 5 times this year, maybe more.
We don't have a levy.
If the bar is attractive enough people will go in there anyway.
To be fair, ours is a bit dreary and it's very quiet during the week but the new clubs bar is world's better, somewhere you'd actually want to go.
No need for a levy.

And get back to Masterchef:ROFLMAO:


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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When we renew our membership, we get £10 or £20 on our bar levy card. With the 10% discount on purchases. A lot of members grief with the club is when you have any winnings. It is in the form of vouchers for the club shop. A lot of folk think you should have the choice of it going on your bar levy.

Deleted member 3432

No ones talking about getting pissed or stuffing your face. I NEVER drink at the club as I drive and usually pop in for a tea, coffee or soft drink after games. The levy is just a way to encourage members to use the facilities and if you choose not to then that's your choice but a £50 levy on a card is better for about 85% of our members who use the levy up.

The point to me is that not all your members want to use the facilities and are therefore paying for something they neither want or need.

People have different priorities, I would like to hang around post round but I have a young family so my focus is elsewhere. I was attempting to be tounge in cheek with the pissed comment and recognise that most members will be in their cars and not be getting pissed.

I'm all for the club encouraging members to use the facilities but not by making it mandatory with a levy.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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When we renew our membership, we get £10 or £20 on our bar levy card. With the 10% discount on purchases. A lot of members grief with the club is when you have any winnings. It is in the form of vouchers for the club shop. A lot of folk think you should have the choice of it going on your bar levy.
We have changed so you have the choice of using the vouchers on the pro shop or convert them to use on your bar card

Deleted member 16999

The point to me is that not all your members want to use the facilities and are therefore paying for something they neither want or need.

People have different priorities, I would like to hang around post round but I have a young family so my focus is elsewhere. I was attempting to be tounge in cheek with the pissed comment and recognise that most members will be in their cars and not be getting pissed.

I'm all for the club encouraging members to use the facilities but not by making it mandatory with a levy.
As others have said though, the other option is to do away with bar levy’s and simply add it to membership, surely the difference with the levy is that it’s not hidden and in most cases you get you money back plus 10% or 15% in goods.
Hiding it in the membership is worse to me.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The point to me is that not all your members want to use the facilities and are therefore paying for something they neither want or need.

People have different priorities, I would like to hang around post round but I have a young family so my focus is elsewhere. I was attempting to be tounge in cheek with the pissed comment and recognise that most members will be in their cars and not be getting pissed.

I'm all for the club encouraging members to use the facilities but not by making it mandatory with a levy.

There are members who don't use the practice facilities or the pro shop and with golf clubs struggling if no one used the bar etc then the price would rise to everyone anyway. Doing the levy is just a way to encourage the level of income that allows you to use the club the way that you prefer


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
We've have a £50 annual levy since I joined the club. It's never bothered me as I use it up pretty quickly. We get a discount on alcohol but not on food but I've used it for alcohol, food, soft drinks, coffee, etc.
As above, I joined the club as a member, not just to play golf. I'd moved to the area, joined on my own and it was a good way to meet people. I actually enjoy coming into the club after the game to sit, chat, and look out of the window at the course. And yes, I do have a life outside of golf but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy time at the club as well.
When we had our introductory chats with new members, nobody complained about the £50 levy and I see most of them around the club so it may help them as well. As far as I am aware, most clubs in the area do the same.