Ball marker stuck to finger after marking ball


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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My ball marker stuck to my finger when marking the ball on the green. The ball had been lifted and it was accidental. Am I penalised 1 shot?


Tour Winner
Feb 14, 2012
Medway, Kent
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Similar thing happened recently in an Open comp I played in at my home course. Chap marked his ball then tapped it down with his putter head. I took my putt, the chap then goes to replace his ball only cannot see where his marker where he had left it. Turns out it was one of those magnetic ones and had got stuck to the sole of his putter.

He replaced it back as near as possible to where the 3 of us in the group thought it had been then putted out. He didn't sign for his score at end of round until he checked with the pro as to whether a penalty should be applied, he was told no penalty and signed his card.


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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It depends if it was part of the act of marking the ball.

Rule 20-1 says

If a ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved in the process of lifting the ball under a Rule or marking its position, the ball or ball-marker must be replaced. There is no penalty, provided the movement of the ball or ball-marker is directly attributable to the specific act of marking the position of or lifting the ball. Otherwise, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke under this Rule or Rule 18-2a.

Decision 20-1/6 Ball-Marker Moved Accidentally by Player in Process of Marking Position of Ball says

Q. A player marked the position of his ball with a coin, lifted the ball and pressed down the coin with the sole of his putter. He walked to the edge of the green and then noticed that the coin had stuck to the sole of the putter. What is the ruling?

A. In this case, the movement of the ball-marker was directly attributable to the specific act of marking the position of the ball.
Accordingly, no penalty is incurred and the ball or the ballmarker must be replaced. If the spot where the ball or the ballmarker lay is not known, it must be placed as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole (Rule 20-3c).

And Decision 20-1/12Ball-Marker Moved Accidentally by Player After Having Moved Loose Impediments says

Q. A player marked the position of his ball on the putting green with a coin and lifted the ball. He then placed his finger on the coin, while he brushed aside some loose impediments so that he did not move the coin. On lifting his finger the coin initially stuck to his finger before falling to the ground and coming to rest in a different position. What is the ruling?

A. The act of placing the finger on the coin is considered to be an extension of the marking process (see Decision 20-1/6). Therefore, as the movement of the coin was directly attributable to the specific act of marking the position of the ball, the player incurs no penalty and the ball or ball-marker must be replaced (Rule 20-1).

So I'd say from what you have said so far, no penalty.

I was interested in the second decision as I would have thought that act was separate from the act of marking the ball. In fact it wasn't strictly necessary because Rule 23-1 says that

On the putting green, if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved in the process of the player removing a loose impediment, the ball or ball-marker must be replaced. There is no penalty, provided the movement of the ball or ball-marker is directly attributable to the removal of the loose impediment. Otherwise, if the player causes the ball to move, he incurs a penalty of one stroke under Rule 18-2a.

But probabaly best not to have to worry about having to replace the marker if it had been moved.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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If the marker was accidentally lifted in the process of marking the ball, there is no penalty. If it is lifted in other circumstances, e.g. accidentally stepping on it, there is a penalty.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i suppose this is only fair on those who have a shakey disposition. this includes the nervous contendors, old fogies and the hungover!