Avoiding Banditry


Journeyman Pro
Sep 19, 2012
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This summer I moved house, and city, so I allowed my membership to lapse at my old golf club at the end of march. I was only a member there for a few months and it was my first golf membership and official handicap. My handicap was obtained through submission of 3 signed cards.
I played several qualifying stablefords through the winter, result a couple of buffers, a 0.1 raise and a 0.3 cut ending up with an exact handicap of 17.8.
After my membership lapsed I played recreationally as a guest of friends for several months until we completed our move and settled into the new house.

I joined a new club in August, and upon presenting a handicap certificate from my old club I have been given an exact handicap of 18 (not 17.8 which I thought was curious). Anyway, due to it taking a couple of weeks to confirm my handicap, then my unavailability (attending friends’ weddings – several of them) to play in the last few qualifying tournaments before the season’s end I have not actually played in a qualifying comp at the new club.

Despite my lack of competition golf this summer, I have actually played a lot of golf (for me) and improved significantly. I have played a number of friendly stableford and matchplay games and have not shot below 36 stableford points in months, usually shooting 40-42 points.
The other day I went round our front 9 in 1 over par, and am consistently shooting lots of pars and birdies resulting in some almost Seve trophy or Trilby tour-esque scores.
Of course everyone is capable of shooting lights out once in a while, but I do not remember the last time I shot less than 36 points and am dominating friendly match play games.

I’ve had several comments from Dad, Brother in Law, Father in law, assistant pro, random people I’ve met on the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] tee that they wouldn’t want to face me in a comp off 18. My father in law gets particularly vexed (in a good humoured way) when he gives me 8 shots and I spank my drive 40 yards past him on the way to giving him a drubbing.

Of course all this is great fun (who doesn’t like to win), but I can’t help but conclude that my current handicap is massively out of step with my ability (I think by 4-6 shots). I’m practicing and playing lots over the winter too so there is every chance of more improvement.

I do not want to be labeled a bandit when the competition season starts up again. Do I have any options to address this imbalance?


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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Either say nothing and win a couple of comps, you will probably then get an extra cut. Or put in a couple of supplementary score cards (assuming your club is setup for qualifying scores over winter).


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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Hand your cards in to the committee signed by a fellow member (of course officially you have to announce that you are handing your card in before playing)


Journeyman Pro
Sep 19, 2012
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Hand your cards in to the committee signed by a fellow member (of course officially you have to announce that you are handing your card in before playing)

Announce to whom?
I think I will do this if I can arrange a game with one of the members I have met, rather than randoms I meet on the tee.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Don't forget form is temporary.
Fragger was shooting the lights out most.of the Spring.and Summer but not so much in comps.
That form has subsided and he's not getting the 38-40 pointers now.
Not saying you're handicap's not wrong.but play the comps when they begin and the system will catch up with you.


Global Moderator
Nov 17, 2011
Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I.
Big difference between friendly relaxed bounce games and going out in a competition with a scorecard in your hands. My best rounds all year were non comp rounds. I shot 10 better than my handicap 1 Friday Afternoon then played 9 the next day and was 7 better. Never did it once I'd a card in my hand. Can't say that it is due to anything in particular. But in a bounce game subconsciously you don't care as much as you would with a card in your hand. I'd wait to play your first comp, see what your scores like and then if you think it's necessary out in 3 supp cards.