

Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 3, 2008
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Played Ashridge today, was such a good experience, course was in great condition and what made it even better was that I shot 2 under par through 16 holes but then went bogey, bogey (handicap 4.6). Still it is the first course that I have played which is in the GM Top 100 :). Has anyone else played Ashridge and what you think?
No, our seniors and ladies play it, but my h/cap division don't. It is supposed to be very nice though. Still looking for an invitation to play there. It is on my list of local courses I would like to play, I just need to find a member to fix it for me.
We play Porters Park, Verulam, Moor Park, Batchworth, Harewood Downs, Sandy Lodge, Gerrards Cross, Chorleywood and Northwood.

I haven't played Porters Park yet, so my plan is to get on the team sheet there next year, as it is supposed to be nice. Of the others, Sandy is ok, Gerrards is ok, Batchworth is ok, and I like Moor Park High course.

I won't go back to Northwood til they fix their security, as everytime I have gone there, someones car has been broken into.
We play Porters Park, Verulam, Moor Park, Batchworth, Harewood Downs, Sandy Lodge, Gerrards Cross, Chorleywood and Northwood.

I haven't played Porters Park yet, so my plan is to get on the team sheet there next year, as it is supposed to be nice. Of the others, Sandy is ok, Gerrards is ok, Batchworth is ok, and I like Moor Park High course.

I won't go back to Northwood til they fix their security, as everytime I have gone there, someones car has been broken into.

What was Verulam like Mog?

Have you played The Shire just outside High Barnet?

Ashridge - nice.

Here's a bit of the application form for men if anyone fancies splashing out (but put that cup of coffee down before you get to the end or you'll ruin your monitor):-


1. Ashridge Golf Club is a private members’ club and all applicants are required to provide the Club with a letter expressing their interest in joining and providing, for example, the name of a Full member who has known you personally for at least two years and who is prepared to act as the Primary Sponsor.

2. However, where the applicant has moved in to the area within the last 12 months from a previous address at least 50 miles from the Club and does not know any Full members of the Club, the Committee will, in exceptional cases, consider accepting two letters of introduction/recommendation from an existing or previous club. These should be from the club’s Secretary/Manager and a current or past Captain or Committee member. In such cases the Committee will consider a three year temporary membership at the end of which time, two Full member sponsors will be required to write to the Committee recommending that membership should be continued.

3. The Primary and Secondary Sponsors, or where applicable, club officers of a previous or existing club are required to provide the Committee with comprehensive letters in support of your application together with completed sponsorship forms. Upon receipt of this information, you will be asked to complete a membership proposal form. This will then be posted on the Club’s notice board for the general attention of Members for a minimum period of 4 weeks. Thereafter
(a) The Primary Sponsor will be invited to attend a meeting with
representatives of the Club’s Committee.
(b) Following a satisfactory outcome to (a) above (or receipt of
satisfactory letters of introduction/recommendation as in 2. above, and
the completion of an interview form, the applicant will be invited to attend a meeting with representatives of the Club Committee.
(c) Subject to (b) being successful, the Primary Sponsor (if applicable) or
one of the interviewers in (b) will arrange a playing interview with the applicant and either two current Committee Members or Past Captains of the Club.
(d) The application and proposal form and supporting letters will come
before a meeting of the full Committee who, at their sole discretion,
admit or refuse membership applications.
(e) If successful, you name will be added to the waiting list from which the
Committee, from time to time, admit new Restricted members with
current handicaps of 24 or better.
(f) The Committee reserves the right to admit or refuse membership
applications at any time during the process of your application.
(g) The current entrance fee to 31 March 2008 £2,140
Plus annual subscription (Restricted Member) £950
Plus the purchase of a loan note for the new clubhouse £1400
(an option to purchase the loan note by 5 annual
instalments of £308 is available)

January 2007

...and so on

Wasn't even aware it was possible to play it as a non-member.

A must play somewhere down the line.

Glad you had a good time


I have also played Porters Park, as a guest in the society that I played Ashridge. I have to say that the course was exceptional, high up on my list on favourite courses to have played. If you do get on the team sheet, I can assure you that you won't be let down. :)

Plus the 1st is very much a birdie chance as it used to be a par 3 but have now made it a par 4! ;)
Porters Park sounds good, I really do need to make the team.

Always thought Ashridge was a bit out of my budget, now I know. Moor Park is cheaper than that.