Any Members of The Belfry frequenting these forums? After some advice

Crocodile JD

Medal Winner
Feb 9, 2015
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Hi All

This is my first post. I've dipped in from time to time to have a read but I need some advice so join I have

I think I remember posts from time to time relating to The Belfry and so I'm hoping there are some that may be members there

The question is how do you make the best of the booking system to ensure you can play when you want to and how flexible is it. It seems as though you are completely blind as to what is going on other than it giving you a selection of available tee times around a given time, but you don't know who if anyone is playing around you, whether it is particularly busy or whether there's a comp on etc. You practically have to go through something like a full online purchase all but the fact it is £0 to pay at the end probably the same or similar if I wanted to book a room a the hotel there for example.

I've just joined as part of a corporate thing so it is advanatgous for me from a money point of view. However I have been a member at a very active members club (still am until end of March) in the area for the past few years that run many comps and have the BRS booking system which I find extremely good and flexible. You can see all the tee times in front of you, names of all the members, sunset hours, comps, where it's busy etc. You can very easily book for you and others or book yourself on with others.

The club has always been very good for encouraging members to meet and play with others. As a consiquence I,ve mee loads of people and even when my regular playing partner (who will be joining the Belfry with me) is not around as is the case from time to time, I'm never short of a game

My worry is that I might loos e out on golf and I'm probably already resigned to loosing some of the memebrs/club feel but let me know how it goes with you if you're a memeber

One thing that is not in question is the quality of the courses. I've played both the Derby and the PGA several times recently and they are in superb condition for the time of year, mush better than the club I will be leaving

I look forward to hearing from you


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I am a member. The booking system allows you to look at all available tee times. Its self explanatory when you look at the sheet if its going to be busy around you. They have dedicated tee times in the morning for members from 7:30 until 9:00.

You can book as far as you like in advance but a couple of members have been reprimanded for taking the proverbial. I think they booked every Monday, Tuesday amd friday for the whole year
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Crocodile JD

Medal Winner
Feb 9, 2015
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Hi Hovis thanks for the reply

I'd heard that we can book up to 18 days in advance, not sure if I've heard wrong or if they've changed the rules, I'll check with the powers that be on that

Regarding telling whether it is busy around you, sorry for being thick :eek: but do you mean that when you search for a time if you see loads of times come up then its obviously fiarly open but if times don't come up then it's full or when you say "the sheet" is there somewhere you can go to see all the bookings similar to a BRS system as i often dont have a particular time in mind but might just look for a relatively quite time to play?

In all how do you find it, is there ever a struggle to get times or do you find it OK

thanks again


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I play between 8 and 9:30 with no problems. If your looking at teeing off after that then expect to book more ib advance and expect a slow round. it does get very busy around april and then again September. Weekends are a no go unless you can tee off at first knockings

There's no way of seeing who has booked just by seeing how many slots are available is how you judge how busy it is. the sheet is the booking sheet and the times only appear if they are available.

I enjoy being a member there but i get very frustrated by the total lack of organisation. Competition days are a disaster.

As for the 18 day window, i often book 3 or 4 weeks in advance. Maybe there's a blip on my login! I'm definitely not going to mention it if thats the case
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Crocodile JD

Medal Winner
Feb 9, 2015
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i get very frustrated by the total lack of organisation. Competition days are a disaster
Oh dear I was worried about this but hoping it was not as bad as I feared

Apparently Marc is trying to improve things. I've just had the fixtures list and there seem to be a reasonable number of comps, what do you find is the main problem with them?

thanks again