Another poor weather post


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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I didn't play today as a couple of mates cried off (rain again!!!!)
I don't mind playing even in the worst weather.
How many of you guys wouldn't play if it was raining?
Whats the worst you've played in?
Last summer I was the only one on the course during a torrent and they closed the course after I had finished. Head greenkeeper said that they were having a sweep to see how far round i got before packing in.
Ant northern golfers out that that fancy a game regardless of he weather.
I am getting very frustrated as this is the fourth time in as many weeks that i have been let down. Ended up playing a few holes on my own (Billy no mates).
If it's a pleasure round and it's teeming down I generally give it a miss, as does my regular playing partner.
That's not to say I won't play when the rain looks imminent.
It's all down to the 1st tee, if it's chucking it down on the 1st I won't bother. If I'm already underway as the heavens open then I'll get out the waterproofs and play on.
I played a couple of weeks ago in torrential rain, my waterproofs let me down and I got wet. Played on until the 15th. Distant rumbles, feeling wet and cold we called it a day for safetys sake as thunder and lightning seemed imminent.
I cannot bare to cry off just for the weather. I am like a big kid when i cant play, my botom lip goes.

Had a very similar round to you Vig where it was only me and the father in law out, everyone else just left.

When we got back people where amazed that we lasted the 9 nevermind 18.

We couldnt of been any wetter so we just carried on and had a laugh!
Played a team match in pretty soggy and rainy conditions today. As long as I am prepared (waterproofs, brolly, spare gloves etc) I don't really mind. If it was a bounce game, we'd probably just settle for 9 holes.

btw we won 2&1.
I had to close the course yesterday... Thunder & lightening all around! Our members were none too pleased but for their own safety we had to call everyone in.

The good news, I have a feeling that this summer is going to get much better, its going to be a hot one.
Played in shirt sleeves on Saturday, Sunday was supposed to be a washout, but it didn't come and today Monday is absolutely glorious at the moment. Maybe summer has shown up !
Played a competition today in shirt sleeves. This time last year the same event was cancelled as it was torrential rain. We were one of the early starters and trudged our way round in driving rain on a sodden track.

When I checked for the results the next day I found out they had closed the course about 20 minutes after we got in and the competition was declared null and void. I wasn't happy having spent most of the previous afternoon trying to find room to dry my wet gear!!!
Got out at 7.45 this morning. Couple of fairways had casual water, Well when i say casual..... could have done with a pair of wellies to retrieve a ball, I saw the splash when the ball hit the ground. Didn't play bad tee to green but 41 putts GRRRRRRRR............. every one i missed i missed short.