

Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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One of my reoccuring swing faults, i share with a lot of golfers is coming across the ball too much, out to in swing.

yesterday i entered a my first competiton at a club i recently joined, and was really concious of my swing fault so hit a few balls at the range before tee off.

I found if i aim my feet just a fraction left of target and shoulders slightly right of target it really helped, i felt like i was opening up though impact generally hitting the ball straight, in the comp i probably hit the driver the best i ever have all year, hitting 10 out of 14 fairways distance ranging from 220 - 250 pretty good in the blustery conditions.

My question is, is my alignment just a quick fix to help counter my swing fault that may lead to other problems or have i cracked it :) ?