AAArghhh! - I'm crap at the rules!... are you?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Was just going through the TEST at the R and A website .... I'm crap! and it was set to EASY :mad: :D

A player must put an identification mark on his ball.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
It seems as long as you were playing a Titleist 4 and find a Titleist 4 in the bushes and claim it to be yours then you're OK :D

A player moves his ball that is at rest on the fairway when making his practice swing. The stroke counts.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
I thought you could only do that off the tee and then after that the ball is deemed to be in play? it seems you can mishit it all over the place without penalty :(

... more to come I expect :(

(Just refresh the page to start again with different questions)


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I tried those. Hmm. I guess I just play by my own rules. Next time don't try to ping me for shanking into a bunker with my practice stroke.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 28, 2008
Where the Queen Lives!
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Was just going through the TEST at the R and A website .... I'm crap! and it was set to EASY :mad: :D

A player must put an identification mark on his ball.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
It seems as long as you were playing a Titleist 4 and find a Titleist 4 in the bushes and claim it to be yours then you're OK :D

A player moves his ball that is at rest on the fairway when making his practice swing. The stroke counts.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
I thought you could only do that off the tee and then after that the ball is deemed to be in play? it seems you can mishit it all over the place without penalty :(

... more to come I expect :(

(Just refresh the page to start again with different questions)

Rules questions are a bit like IQ don't need to have a high IQ to get a results that says you have a high just need to be able to answer the questions...

A player must put an identification mark on his ball.
You said True You were......WRONG

Must means you have to....the Rules just advise you to put a mark on your ball to indentify knew the right answer about the rule, you just misunderstood the question.....


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I just tried it on easy and got 7/10. They bring up different questions each time so I'm not giving all the answers away. The only one I'm kicking myself about is practice before a matchplay event. I read the question too quicky

Question 1 - A player attaches a small wind sock to his bag to determine the wind direction. The player is penalised two strokes.
You said True You were......WRONG
See Rule 14-3 Artificial Devices, Unusual Equipment and Unusual Use of Equipment

Question 2 - A player may move a boundary stake that interferes with his stance.
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 13-2 Improving Lie, Area of Intended Stance or Swing, or Line of Play

Question 3 - A player moves his ball that is at rest on the fairway when making his practice swing. The stroke counts.
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Stroke

Question 4 - Player A is 2 up with 3 to play. He takes a 4 at the 16th hole as does player B. Player A is dormie.
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 2-1 General
See Rule 2-1 General

Question 5 - A player’s ball lies 30cm from the hole. He lies down on the green and, using the putter like a snooker cue, he pushes the ball into the hole with the butt end of the grip. There is no penalty.
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 14-1 Ball to be Fairly Struck At

Question 6 - A banana skin is a loose impediment.
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Loose Impediments

Question 7 - On any day of a match play competition, a player may practise on the competition course before a round
You said False You were......WRONG
See Rule 7-1 Before or Between Rounds

Question 8 - The player who is to play first from the teeing ground is said to have the honour
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Honour

Question 9 - In stroke play, the penalty for dropping a ball in an incorrect manner is two strokes.
You said True You were......WRONG
See Rule 20-2 Dropping and Re-Dropping

Question 10 - A boundary wall is an obstruction
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Obstructions


Global Moderator
Nov 19, 2008
Exeter..ish - Devon
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Was just going through the TEST at the R and A website .... I'm crap! and it was set to EASY :mad: :D

A player must put an identification mark on his ball.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
It seems as long as you were playing a Titleist 4 and find a Titleist 4 in the bushes and claim it to be yours then you're OK :D

A player moves his ball that is at rest on the fairway when making his practice swing. The stroke counts.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
I thought you could only do that off the tee and then after that the ball is deemed to be in play? it seems you can mishit it all over the place without penalty :(

... more to come I expect :(

(Just refresh the page to start again with different questions)

You don't have to put a mark on your ball it is advised that you do......But, you do need to be able to positively identify your ball, and without a mark this is near impossible......So your summery is false.

A player moves his ball on the fairway while taking a practice's true that it doesn't count as a stroke.......But, it has to be replaced under penalty of one shot....So your summery is false

Your putting 2 and 2 together and making 5



Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
It easy I got 10 out of 10 on moderate

Quiz Results
You Scored 10 out of 10
Question 1 - A player must determine his nearest point of relief by using the club with which he expects to play his next stroke
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Nearest Point of Relief

Question 2 - The Committee may not make a Local Rule prohibiting play from ground under repair
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Ground Under Repair

Question 3 - In stroke play, on the final green Player A putts to two inches and his fellow-competitor knocks the ball away from the hole and says “That’s good enough.” The players leave the putting green and go into the clubhouse to return their cards. Player A is disqualified.
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 3-2 Failure to Hole Out

Question 4 - Time spent in playing a wrong ball is not counted in the five-minute period allowed for search
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Lost Ball

Question 5 - A ball is in a bunker when any part of it touches the bunker
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Bunker

Question 6 - Water hazard stakes may not be moved even if they are physically movable
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Definition Obstructions

Question 7 - In match play, if a player’s ball in motion after a stroke is accidentally deflected by himself he shall lose the hole.
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 19-2 By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment

Question 8 - A player starts his downswing and his clubhead is deflected by a branch of a tree. The player has not made a stroke.
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Decision 14 / 1 Club Stopped on Downswing by Agency Other Than Player

Question 9 - A player may practise putting or chipping on or near the teeing ground of the next hole to be played
You said True You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 7-2 During Round

Question 10 - During a round a player may play a practice stroke from a hazard provided this does not unduly delay play
You said False You Were......RIGHT
See Rule 7-2 During Round


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
A player moves his ball that is at rest on the fairway when making his practice swing. The stroke counts.
You said True You were......WRONG's apparently FALSE.
I thought you could only do that off the tee and then after that the ball is deemed to be in play? it seems you can mishit it all over the place without penalty :(

A player moves his ball on the fairway while taking a practice's true that it doesn't count as a stroke.......But, it has to be replaced under penalty of one shot....So your summery is false

Your putting 2 and 2 together and making 5

How can the shot not count if it has to be replaced WITH a penalty? Either you take it as a shot and carry on from where you nudged it to or else you replace it and take a penalty, either way it's a shot gone - not exactly what the answer suggests. :D


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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How can the shot not count if it has to be replaced WITH a penalty? Either you take it as a shot and carry on from where you nudged it to or else you replace it and take a penalty, either way it's a shot gone - not exactly what the answer suggests. :D

I can see this, now. It's not a shot as if it were, the ball would next be played from where it now lies (subject to any other ruling now pertaining, such as a free drop for casual water etc),
As it is, because the ball has to be replaced, no 'shot' has been played but you're penalised because the ball was moved.

Question 7 - In match play, if a player’s ball in motion after a stroke is accidentally deflected by himself he shall lose the hole.

I got this wrong but I'm struggling to imagine a scenario where it would occur.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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It happens sometimes in a bunker Steve.
You hit the ball, it hits the bank and bounces back and hits you.
Used to be 2 shot penalty in stroke 1 shot penalty


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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should have thought of that one bob, right up my street!
or would have been until Saturday's lesson, good done that. now I just have to find some daylight to practice!


Head Pro
Dec 16, 2008
N. Surrey
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I took to reading the R&A Rules web site a few weeks back.
It all became a lot clearer after reading the Definitions Section and then returning to the quiz.
I am working my way through the decisions sections now which has a questions and answers section against each category.
Must admit i found it hard getting through the decisions on Rule 15 without nodding off!, but i am getting there.