A little note to all - Pls read


Tour Rookie
Mar 28, 2008
Armagh, Norn Iron
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Just lifted the post and my Give Blood letter has arrived, as usual I will be donating a little bag of the red stuff on 21st of Jan.
How many on here give blood? Or rather how many don't.

I have been a donor for quite a while, its no hassle at all just turn up, talk to a sexy (or maby not so) nurse. They prick your arm, lie down for 10 mins. Up free tee and biscut - job done. Worst bit is taking the bloody plaster of my hairy arms.

I donated for a while hoping that I would never see it again, then one boxing day I crashed my car - broke a few bits and pieces(including somthing in my back :eek: ). I needed surgery, when I woke up I was in a bath of blood as the surgen must have forgot to fix somthing. A poke of the buzzer and I hade a very white faced nurse running for the emergency phone. Soon later I woke up again with someone elses donation dripping into my arm - thus saving my life. Thanks to whoever donated that.

2 years ago, my wife was 9 months gone, we where called into hospital and she was induced, half way through labour the doctor decided that an emergency ceserian was in order as jnr's heart was stopping intermitantly. Next my wife had the operation cut and shut, while I held the most special package in the world - Ever.
My wife was given her own little red bag of life. Again thanks.

Now that proves that blood saves lives, it has made a huge impact on my family and I really thank the doners from the bottom of my heart. So please get your finger out and spend 1 hour every 3/4 months and donate.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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I think if it were not for my aversion of needles I might. Meaning unless I absolutely need a needle going anywhere neer me I'd rather not. Infact even if I do need a needle coming anywhere need me I'll duck out unless there is no avoiding the matter.

I blame my mother ("Don't touch that its sharp") lol, etc.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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something I heartily (no pun intended) endorse, and just to make it easier to start:


check the blood stocks, they are desperately low and if you are O-Neg you are vital.

I'm sure the average age of donors is going up, take the kids with you.

if you need any more inducement, every so often they give you an award, nothing fancy but by the time you receive the first you won't be there for what you get out of it.
keep going to 75 or 100 and you will be invited to a presentation evening; mine was Covent Garden, three course meal and a slightly bigger gift (these change, mine is a decanter).


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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My buddy has done it for years and has had the presentations.

Currently giving platelets.

Me? I also hate needles. If I could go in and the nurse smack me in the nose then i'd be happy to. Needles make me go cold. Runs in the family, bruv never has anaesthetic at dentists.


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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I have been donating for 15 years (minus two years when I had tattoos) and will be giving my 24th pint next time the bus is close by.

When Olivia was born she was 8 weeks early and luckily neither her or the wife needed a transfusion but I decided then not to have any more tattos and keep donating regularly.

To all those guys who are afraid of needles let me ask you a couple of Q's

Do you have tattoos? If YES, did he rub them on like a transfer or jag your body part 100's of time with a needle.

If you or yours needed a transfusion do you expect others to come to your rescue?

Please give it a try even if it is just to get a free JACOBS CLUB biscuit that will have the nostalgia flooding back.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I am not allowed now since my pancreatic episode. I use to give regularly. I have to say I have hired a phlebotomist at the hospital today. 42, perfectly formed body and blue eyes that look like glaciers and the dirtiest sense of humour I've met in ages (male or female). Anyone looking to give blood at the Royal Berks????


Journeyman Pro
May 13, 2008
The girlfriend is o-neg and donates regular i have done it just not recently

Didnt know it was 2 years wait when having tattoos i learn something every day


Assistant Pro
Sep 24, 2008
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Blood Group 'O' Rh Negative probably the rarest blood group and also the most versatile (can be be given to anyone).

If like me you are 'O' Rh neg then you can only recieve the same type should you need it.

I give regulary and am working my way to gold(50 Pints) I received my silver about 3 years ago. I am giving again on Monday 21st.

It is a very worthwhile thing to do as you never know when it might be your turn to receive rather than give.


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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Cant donate as i had jaundice as a child. Amazingly my wife also suffered from Jaundice as a child and she cant donate either---she is a nurse an sees the need for donations.

My father was a donor--made 46/48 donations before his heart attack after which he was unable to give more blood. He was disappointed as Irish donors got a Gold Pin for 50 donations at a special prizegiving dinner held by the blood board.

I think its a very worthy cause and would recommend all able bodied people to donate.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I am not allowed now since my pancreatic episode. I use to give regularly. I have to say I have hired a phlebotomist at the hospital today. 42, perfectly formed body and blue eyes that look like glaciers and the dirtiest sense of humour I've met in ages (male or female). Anyone looking to give blood at the Royal Berks????

You may have persuaded me! How do I get there?? ;) :p

ps. Don't tell HID!! :eek:


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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The girlfriend is o-neg and donates regular i have done it just not recently

Didn't know it was 2 years wait when having tattoos i learn something every day

if you go to the link in my earlier post and run the 'who can give blood' questionaire it seems to imply that it's only 6 months, always waited a year myself.

Given that we O Negs are only 7% of the population there's a few of us here.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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I havent done it for years, I feel guilty now so Id better get it done I suppose, thanks for making me feel guilty! :mad:.. :D


Tour Rookie
Nov 27, 2007
West Lothian
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Used to do it as much as i could when i was a student (It was the only time i got something to eat!!!). Stopped going after i left Uni. Never even went when bloodmobile was at our work.

On returning to work after my wife gave birth last year (she needed a transfusion) I heard a radio advert where a dad was pleeding to you to give blood as he didn't want his newborn son to grow up without his mum. Two days later the bloodmobile was onsite again and I was first in the queue. Giving again next week.