A Happy Golfer.



Dear all,

I have played golf for many years now but I had never thought of it as a sport, I always played with friends who were far better than me and I never took it upon myself to even try to play against them. At the end of last summer I told my best buddy that I Had had enough of not getting any better and that I would play for one more year. In that year I had to give myself every opportunity to become a good player but if at the end of the year I had not moved from a 28 handicap I would hang up my spikes.
So to be clear the aim is to see significant progress over a two year period with a very real year one check and that I must do everything in my power to improve my game.
I started right away on my new task by taking about 6 lessons over a 5 month period leading up to Christmas, I then joined my local club and have been playing at least 18 holes, 9 holes and a session on the putting green and or driving range. As my swing progressed I started to work more on putting and mental perpetration and per shot routines. I have invested in new equipment where I felt I needed it. I have lived golf this last year.
Seeing as I was now a member of the club I thought it best that I move pros to the club pro so I had a lesson with him about ten days ago. He was either very good at selling lessons or impressed and told me that my tempo was actually something very special and that If I took just one lesson a month with him he could make me a single figure golfer.
On Sunday I went up to my club to play nine holes and went into the club house to check if my handicap had been posted for the 1st time. It had and I was over the moon to find that with the three cards I had handed (not my best I might add) I have been given a handicap of 19. To some this may seem rubbish but I am over the moon and will now be revaluating my dream to play to 18.
Thanks for reading my little story of what I consider success



Assistant Pro
Aug 17, 2010
Witham, Essex
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Great story

I started playing about 4 months ago and have had 3 of a block of 6 lessons. I have now start living golf looking at any free time to get a round in and also even started dreaming golf.

I have given myself a target of getting down to low 20's by next may and your story as showen that it can be done and even bettered.

thank you.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Well done Alex. You must have something going for you if your pro reckons you can be single figures.

Stick at it and see how low you can get. Probably beat me to singles as well


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Alex, we play golf to beat ourselves. Each time we peg it up we want to hit a drive better than we have done before so don't apologise for being chuffed with 19. Enjoy the game .... it is just a game after all.


Thanks all for your comments. I think the really nice thing is the setting of the goal and meeting it, or maybe even at this point exceeding it. It really shows me what can be done with a bit of time, effort and determination. I have a huge love for this game and it gives me confidence that I can take away with me to other arias of my life.
I wonder what would be the next realistic goal to set and the time frame I should attach to it.
