A better release

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I have noticed, over the last few rounds, I've began to push some of my irons out to the right. I've also noticed a few strong fades/slices with the driver.

I'm convinced I'm holding the club face open through impact and not releasing my hands correctley to square the club face up. Either that or releasing too late. This is something I want to work on over the winter.

My swing hasn't changed drastically since my last swing video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_PLctywjmo ). The only slight change I've made is getting my hands a little closer to my body (Directly under my chin).

Looking at some pictures of my swing. My wrists don't seem to start turning over until well after impact (See below)




My wrists don't seem to start turning (in this sequence) until the are level with my face


I know it's not a direct comparision but look at the video below of Luke Donald.


He releases his wrists just before impact (12 seconds in) and his wrist begin to roll almost immedietley after

Could this be where I'm going wrong?

As I said, this is something I want to work on over the winter (Closed season) and try and get bedded in before the strat of next season.

Any tips, advise, critisisms or opinions welcome as always


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Morning G,

My two penneth is based on my own swing observations, rather than a "you should do this" statement. I'll levae it to those qualified to discuss your swing in particular. :)

When I swing, I have to say that the release of the club is something I do subconsciously - there is no deliberate thought to release the club, roll the hands, snap through impact etc.

That may be to do with the fact that the wrist action in my whole swing is also subconscious - I don't actively "set" or break them in the backswing. It's something I've worked on with my pro who felt that the wrist action was too active previously. Now, my wrists break purely through the centrifugal forces (physicists will correct me if I'm wrong on that description) at work in the swing. I've mentioned on here before that even if you swing with "no wrist break" you actually will break your wrists as it's something that just happens.

I've found that quieter wrists throughout the swing have simplified the whole process of wrist break and release, leaving me to concentrate on a whole raft of other swing faults :D

EDIT: Of course, as with any swing issues, it IS worth checking the fundamentals: set-up and grip. So many faults stem from problems at address. I filmed myself on the course the other day and realised my feet alignment was about 30* to the right :eek:
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Aug 5, 2011
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Gareth, I'll give an opinion but it's just that, I'm no expert, just an experienced single fig amateur that's had lots of lessons and read a lot.
I'm guessing your club is getting stuck behind you and your body knows that and is holding the face open, do you get occasional snap hooks?
I'd try ensuring you wait at the top (don't stop) to ensure you start the hips turning, not sliding, before the arms start down, i'd expect the release to happen more naturally then.
I could of course be miles off as I don't have the experienced teaching eye.

Let us know how you get on.

*edit* I've just looked at the video as opposed to the after impact pictures, and it looks like your weight transfer is leaving most of it on the left foot at the top of your backswing! You should almost feel you can lift your left foot up at the top of the swing, Try to ensure the transfer has more weight on the right heel left toe for backswing and left heel right toe on through swing. I think that small change will show a marked improvement straight away, fingers crossed.
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Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Remember I said if you start hitting it left, give me a shout?
If you watch your swing closely and stop it at the top, you will see the face is closed ie pointing at the sky.
This would normally cause a closed face at impact.
Your problem is if you do release your hands through impact it WILL go left, therefor you "hold it off" to stop the hook.
If you had a more neutral grip, you would be able to release the club without any fear of it going left.
So the cure for your fade is strangely, weaken the grip, then hit it with your right hand. :)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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do you get occasional snap hooks?QUOTE]

Very rarely DV. I dont tend to hit behind the ball that often.

I tend to keep more weight on my left side (S&T Et' Al'). From the top of the back swing I have a slight lateral shift to start my downswing, then fire my hands through impact.

It's not every strike I get this push.

As and example. I went for 9 holes after work last night. Pushed a 5 iron to the right off the tee (3rd hole). Play the 4th (6 iron into a par 3) went bullet straight...... Into the greenside bunker :eek:. Same story on the 9th and 1st. Both arrow straight (7i and 9i respectivley).

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Remember I said if you start hitting it left, give me a shout?
If you watch your swing closely and stop it at the top, you will see the face is closed ie pointing at the sky.
This would normally cause a closed face at impact.
Your problem is if you do release your hands through impact it WILL go left, therefor you "hold it off" to stop the hook.
If you had a more neutral grip, you would be able to release the club without any fear of it going left.
So the cure for your fade is strangely, weaken the grip, then hit it with your right hand. :)

Thanks for that Bob.

I can see what you mean now you've explained it. I'll give that a bash at the range.

I was going to have a tinker with the FCT on my driver to see if that would help, maybe 2* open, but if the issue is my grip, I'll try that first.


Aug 5, 2011
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Ahh so it's deliberate, ok then. Not a fan of s&t as I believe it just covers up a poor turn/ transfer etc and tries to compensate for the issues that brings, not directing that at you it's just at s&t in general.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Ahh so it's deliberate, ok then. Not a fan of s&t as I believe it just covers up a poor turn/ transfer etc and tries to compensate for the issues that brings, not directing that at you it's just at s&t in general.

No offence taken DV.

I found that if I kept my weight central I had a tendancy, during the back swing to sway off the ball and got too mant bad contacts.

By keeping my weight slightly more forward I tend to get a better strike as I don't have to try and get back to the ball after swaying off it.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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OP, I see similarities between your swing and Zac Johnson. He uses a stronger grip and holds on through impact.

Take a look at this video, it may help you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soba0sGGML8

That is uncanny!!!!!!

That may help massively as I can see where Johnson holds off through impact. I think he's copied my follow threw and the point at which he rotates his wrists (................... I wish :D).

Muchos Kudos Socket Rocket.