7 Iron


Nov 16, 2011
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Back-swing is virtually totally upper body. Club is really just picked up.

Down-swing has only a little lower body involvement. There should be much more 'drive' by the legs.

I believe the following might help:

Bend your legs a little, while staying balanced - you seem slightly on you heels. You should feel some springy tension in the thighs. Make sure your lower body turns in the back-swing. Initially it might help to think/feel left knee moving and bending, but later think/feel right hip turning back (which is a smaller movement).

The slight squat that is generated by the coil and transition will allow the right leg to drive much more aggressively.

I also recommend that the left foot be opened 20-30* (toes move 3 inchs left) which will encourage the hips to open through the impact zone.

Quite a bit to think about and get the timing right, but summary could be 1. bend a little 2. turn left knee rightwards on back-swing 3. snap right knee towards left during down-swing.

Impressive distance as is though. Potentil for 20-25 yards more though.

Good Luck


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Your swing is almost arms only driven as people have suggested. You need to learn how to keep some more connection between your torso, arms and hips so that the rotational forces of your body add power to the swing.


Nov 16, 2011
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Your swing is almost arms only driven as people have suggested. You need to learn how to keep some more connection between your torso, arms and hips so that the rotational forces of your body add power to the swing.

Ah yes. Forgot to add.

The old 'towel in the left armpit' drill. Make sure it stays there on the back-swing. Having one in the right armpit is also fine for a one-planer - which is becoming the more popular style being taught. Two Plane swing will drop the right one when the arms move above the arms 'stretch' above the plane, if not before.


Nov 16, 2011
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Indeed, much more connected, though you lose it slightly on the down=swing - still a great improvement in a short time. Hips turn much better, though there's still not lot of drive with the legs. Head is lifting a bit on the back-swing, mainly because the legs are (at least the right one is) straightening. Try to keep them slightly flexed so you have something to push into the ground with.

A touch of early release is now the most obvious issue. That was probably there before too. You also seem to be swinging in a slightly 'help it up'/behind/under the ball style too.

That style will be quite a contributor to loss of distance - and a high flight or thins - for best results, you need to be hitting the ball just slightly before the bottom of the swing arc (hitting down/compressing the ball). The divot should start just after the ball. There's several possible reasons and a number of solutions/drills. A side-on/caddie view would show whether your forward weight shift isn't sufficient or is mis-timed. A drill/thought that can work is to try to hit an imaginary ball that is 4 inches or so ahead of the real one.

Another, more technical/advanced solution, one is to feel that the right hand drops/pulls the club straight down vertically on the down-swing - it won't, but it's about feel. This will also ensure that there is a proper angle between the right forearm and the right hand - this is the real lag angle and should ideally be slightly more than 90* when the club is at hip level. Timed well, the result should be a powerful, downward strike with a penetrating. There should be a divot that points very slightly left - the path of the swing arc even when swinging in-to-out.

Great work so far. I hope yo can keep the same progress up. Don't try to do too much at once. I believe keeping the right knee flex is the thing you should work on next.

Good Luck

BTW. As a Pro, Bob is much better qualified to advise than the rest of us.