3 wood ball position on tee


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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Hi folks, would a ball position with 3 wood too far forward promote strong draw come pull. This came from nowhere today for most tee shots. Normally have gently draw.
Cheers for any help


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Hi folks, would a ball position with 3 wood too far forward promote strong draw come pull. This came from nowhere today for most tee shots. Normally have gently draw.
Cheers for any help

Draw starts right of target & curves back to target.

True 'draw' never starts left of target, so true 'pull' & true 'draw' both are having a different ball flight starting direction in relation to target.

So no, not really, the further forward in the stance the more the direction of the club head, the swing direction through impact will be to the left. (Think of a circular hoop aimed at target, the further the point past impact is it's going more to the left so the further forward the ball position is 'so the further left along the hoop' you'd have to go to get to contact, so it depends to a certain extent just what direction you've aimed your 'hoop' to begin with)

So with it ball forwards so going further left on the swing path, you'd could then get a pull or a pull hook, pull slice etc. depending where the face direction was looking at impact, but the start direction would always be left of the ball/target line. So then you wouldn't get a true draw, ball starting right of target then curving back to target. Given that your body alignment was parallel left of the ball target line.

If your alignment was a good ways out of parallel 'square' & aimed to the right, so the shoulders hips feet were very 'shut' to target, by being aimed a good ways to the right & the ball position well forward you still be hitting pulls & pull hooks but only because of the bodies alignment being well to right of target would the ball then be starting right of target. But the ball would still be starting left of where you'd be aiming even though it was starting right of the target, so it would still be a pull, or a pull draw etc.