£9.99 Golf Break at Belmont Lodge

Could be the bargain of the year. But 10 quid for 2 rounds is cheap but throw in a night as well - almost too cheap??

How much are they losing on this deal? Standard green fee is £25 so that makes £50 for the golf. 1 night? Say £30.

Thats £80 worth at least for a tenner!! Whoever thought that one up must be on something. Good luck if its for real.

Lets hope it doesn't snow!!
Just checked it out, looks the real deal. Is an offer to have breakfast thrown in for an extra £16 :D
Roll up roll up, offer on the net for 2 rounds of golf and one night accomodation. I think I'll leave out the golf and go for the one night.

I now feel the need to go round all the golf related web sites, sign up (that's a pain) and tell them how good this offer is.
All we need now is a forumer to go and check it out, report back before we all book up.

Could be a good cheep forum meet.

I wont hold me breath though.

:D :D
I've just phoned the site and a very helpful bloke is now checking tee times etc. for me, just waiting for a call back and I'm going to book up. He said it's very busy at the moment and not surprising really!
If it turns out to be a load of shite then I'll just come home and it would of only cost a tenner and a bit of diesel!
Sometimes you've just got to trust and take a chance!
Don't wear golf shoes on the course take your wellies, leave all your decent clothes at home as they will be covered in mud!!

Some lovely holes down by the river but generally poor especially the front 9. The big house is lovely though, not sure whether the accomodation is there or in a travelodge looking building the other side of the Pro's "hut"

For a tenner you can't complain though.
It must be kosher, they've got another offer on there for £36 so gambling they've just got dates to sell and would rather sell for something rather than nothing. Either way for £10 I won't be disappointed - I've got good waterproofs!
Just booked for 24 feb! Hopefully weather will be ok. I know it's a bit of a dodgy time to book it for but it's my brothers birthday and he can only get time off in feb! I told him I'm treating him to a golfing trip in herefordshire but I didn't mention it was only a tenner! ;)

If it dosen't get cancelled due to the weather , I'll let you all know how I got on and if it was worth the money. :rolleyes:
I played here years ago! I reckon it's a good indicator of the current climate.....
I couldn't testify as to the quality of the course. Like my course, too new to judge 10 years ago.
I hope its as good as it seems. Can't really complain for £9.99! They've always got good deals on their site but I think this one might take the biscuit.
They are clearly going to make the money back on the food. This is whay they effectively will be giving away accomodation for free at what is a quiet time of year.

It is a course I'd like to try out. Heck even if not golfing its still a deal worth taking advantage of for a couple of days away.
Wow, I went to school here many years ago. The school, Belmont Abbey, was located on the opposite side of the road to the fields that now make up the golf course.
This was a Catholic public school run by the monks who inhabited the abbey. It was a great liberal environment to grow up in. I spent many long lazy summers' days down by the river and would love to see how the course designers made use of the land.
Too late now for the offer, may be another time.

The school closed some time ago due to financial constraints, but the monks carried on trying to sustain the Abbey with various self funding projects, one of which I remember was as a software house called "Monksoft" !
The school buildings have been converted into hotel and conferencing facilities the last I heard.
Had a one night break a couple of years ago in summer. Quite liked the course although river holes low lying and damp even in July. Food was fine, though limited bar/lounge space. Rooms are in separate building but prefectly okay with views of the course.

We are doing Patshull Park - 2 nights dbb + golf, £99 with lake view and an extra round thrown in. Times is clearly hard. Thought it was a bargain until I read about Belmont! though PP do have swimming etc if weather doesn't improve).
