Yes Golf try their hand at Wedges


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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Have just seen that yes golf, makers of well supported and highly thought of putters have released a new club, which is a wedge called the 'yes! Golf Bill Wedge' . It is going to be available in a range of different lofts etc, and I was just wondering what your take on a company who have been very sucessful with thier putters moving into the wedge market is? I personally think it is pretty risky, but would certainly give the wedge a try.

Also it says that Yes believe that rusting makes a club less likely to impart spin on a golf ball, contray to popular belief. I don't know about this rusting business but yes are making it one of their selling ponits that the club will not rust and therfore not 'obstruct' any potential back spin from the clubs grooves. Whats your opinion on this also?
Have to agree it is a bit of a risk. The wedge market is a particularly competitive sector with company's like Mizuno, Cleveland, Titleist and Callaway all producing tour proven wedges for many years.

Even lower end wedges like MD are coming onto the market and offering a good quality wedge in many different specs at a very good price.

I think there is something in rusty finish clubs imparting backspin (which was why I got my lob wedge) but in the hands of the average club player that effect may be neglible. The newer types of groove (Cleveland especially) seem to impart far greater spin and stop (and also shred the cover of the ball so something to bear in mind).

I think Yes will be able to make a good wedge but it depends where they see themselves in the market. There will be a demand for the product as there is for all manufacturers making wedges but I can't see them doing anything different to grab a market share off the bigger players