Win a year's supply of tees!

Wooden tees everytime for me. Best 2 stories:

1. Played in the USA and amused my playing partners by picking up all the discarded wooden tees (there were lots). It was only after the first 9 holes that they told me the tees were free in the starters hut and I could take as many as I wanted. My quick comeback about recycling waste tees didn't alter their perception of my tightness.

2. Kept finding tees on our course that had obviously been through a pencil sharpener. Was informed it was a group of our seniors who took broken tees and sharpened them for reuse. (And I thought I was bad for picking up whole ones!)
I used to carry a pencil sharpener in my bag so that I good get a good point on a broken wooden tee when winter mats were in use.
Recently played a comp. On the first tee, I realized I'd left my box of tee's in my locker so I asked my pp if he'd lend me a tee. With a really annoying smirk, he refused :mad:
I looked in the bin and found a broken one which was long enough to hit my 3 wood. Absolutely creamed the tee shot, probably 30 yds further than I would have hit my driver !
Would love to say that I went on to trounce him but unfortunately I reverted to my normal game and lost :cry:
Most of the old guys I play with are obviously so poor they need to search the whole 3 minutes for their tees, and often I feel sorry for them I end up giving them one out of my bag.
A constant supply of replacements to help them wouldn't be a bad thing to happen;)
Recently played a comp. On the first tee, I realized I'd left my box of tee's in my locker so I asked my pp if he'd lend me a tee. With a really annoying smirk, he refused :mad:
I looked in the bin and found a broken one which was long enough to hit my 3 wood. Absolutely creamed the tee shot, probably 30 yds further than I would have hit my driver !
Would love to say that I went on to trounce him but unfortunately I reverted to my normal game and lost :cry:

If anyone did that to me, they'd be searching for their errant shots on their own.
thanks to all who who contributed to the thread
I'm feeling generous so going to offer 4 people the tees (but reduce them to 10 boxes each which I'm hoping will still get you though a year!)
can the following forumers email me with a postal address for the tees to be sent to
Lord Tyrion
James R
I'm sure these will give me the extra 4 yards I'm apparently losing with my spikeless shoes :LOL:.

I may even share some out with forum playing partners when we are meeting up next :unsure:, share the love around.

Great stuff, much appreciated.