Why do we not love Tiger?

He's not a real person - he's a robot made by Nike in California. Have you noticed that he never looks at the crowd - always straight ahead, marches up to the ball hits it straight, marches up to ball again and hits it straight. People were beginning to cotton on so they invented an identikit blonde golfers wife and programmed him to do the occasional slice to make everything more realistic.
That's so true holein1. It is getting boring - even Tiger looks bored when he lifts the trophy. Let's see some more Europeans up there. Go on Westy. Put the tongue in and start winning some majors.
He's too good!!! and we're all sick of him winning everything.

No way, I like seeing someone really dominating their sport.

I love Tiger, and feel lucky that I'm around to see the second greatest sportsman ever (second to Muhammad Ali) and undoubtedly (as he will become) the greatest golfer ever.
We might be irritated by him now as he wins so often and so clinically to make tournaments he plays in boring. But when he's retired we'll feel privileged to have seen him play.