Where did it go


Journeyman Pro
Aug 8, 2007
Norn Ireland
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Over the last 2 seasons I've been playing the golf of my life. Winning 2 club champs in a row, plus 5 other competitions. 7 trophies in 2 years.
I was playing well during the winter of this year and really looking forward to the season ahead. I have went up 1.3 since March. I'm hitting the ball well enough and my putting was always good, not Tiger like, but good enough.
A few of us started to go to the range on Thursday night's. I unfortunately started to listen to these guys about this and that and started to think more about my swing. BIG MISTAKE. I swing very flat, and the club is pointing east at top of my back swing. I did get this into my head and tryed to swing like these other guys. Trying to get the club above my head and straight down the line. A guy pointed out to me about using the wall method. Standing against a wall and swinging back without hitting the wall, Nope not me I was hitting the wall very quickly. It dosent work for me. I'm now hooked on going to the range and hitting balls. My problem is that I'm thinking to much about what others see whenever I'm swinging. The old saying is if it aint broke dont fix it. I should of kept swinging the way I was. I'm going to the range today and I'm just going to stand up and hit the balls, till my hearts content. Whenever I look back over the last 2 years I was totaly relaxed and nothing worried me. I was just playing the golf of my life. Now I've to much in my head about swinging and my putting. Has anyone got any idea's how I can get this game back on track?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 24, 2009
East Yorkshire, UK
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Not got anything to assist as I am fairly new to golf myself. What I will add is that when I first started I had a fairly natural ability and a half decent swing, the more golfers I met the more (well meaning) advice I received.

The end result being that there was so much stuff going round in my head that everything went to seed.

I now make a conscious effort to not think about anything while actually playing a round and only 'think' about my swing on the range. When anyone now offers their well intentioned advice I smile, nod sagely and let it go in one ear and out the other ;)

The only guy I am listening to in the future is my club pro! And my swing is beginning to feel relaxed and natural again :)

p.s. - you spelt my name wrong in the thread title! :D