would like to get back down to scratch again ..i was like u `med ` i was off nine in `94 and off 4 at start of `95 ..i worked on the part of my game that was holding me back..i worked on my driving and the results came ,u need to du the same .work on the part of ur game that`s holding u back and single figs will be no problem... euan
to be honest my main aim is to play golf for as many years as possible from now, any handicap reductions will be recieved greatfully and as the majority would agree single figures would be very nice. However I can still enjoy the game playing off 24 and I'm never going to make a professional, so enjoyment is what I play the game for. I do however think that a fairly large handicap reduction isn't far away... bring on the summer!
Would like to think i'll be typing on here this time next year having had a good years golf ,got a handicap at the new club that we joined (which will have turned out to be a good choice), about 40 Lbs lighter in weight, with a continental golf holiday booked for March( I haven't got on a aircraft for about 14 years) ...........and be opening a paper to find out Ken Livingstone came off worst in a headbutt contest with a 30 tonne juggernaught.
This year I just want to develop a consistant swing that will help kill off some of my duff iron shots that are ruining my scores. Would like to follow that with getting a handicap below 20.
I would love to get a hole in one? Been close twice but i worry i may never get one!! maybe the golfing gods will let me have one one day! lol all play well!