What’s your 1st cut/rough like


Head Pro
Apr 17, 2012
West Sussex
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Ours is brutal now lost ball if it goes in rough and 1st cut is sticky grabing hold of club all very lush with all the rain we had and now hot weather

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Growing faster than they can mow it!

Although they are trying hard, very hard.

Generally we have a low rough policy ie it's cut to a height where you should be able to see the ball from 20yds. The nature of the course is that it's more about lines of approach and you don't need even 4" of rough to penalise.


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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First cut is just a centimetre or so longer than the fairway cut so easily playable second cut is another few centimetres longer again most of the time you can see it and get a reasonable lie.

But we have three levels the worst of which is basically waist high (in places) and thick, if you go in there you aren't finding it and if you do you probably can't get it out very far, most of the time you've got to be really wayward to get in there but there are some places where it's a bit too close to the racing line for my liking!
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Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Last year our place got it wrong, the 1st cut was too long and too many balls were lost, time wasted searching. So far they have got it right. You can see the top of your ball but the grass grabs your club, it is not a free hit. Our fairways are wide enough that this is entirely fair.

Hopefully they can keep it this way if the growing season really kicks in. One of the difficulties at my course is the sheer expanse of grass to cut and keeping on top of it is down to man power numbers.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
As others have said: it just grows so fast ... it is fine when it is freshly mown, but come back the next day and it is a desaster again. But they are trying. There are only very few parts on the course where they let it grow out on purpose to provide a habitat for birds and other critters. If you hit it somewhere there, you better play a provis right away, because that's a goner for sure.

On the rest of the course it is not even that high, I'd say it grows up to 3 to 4 inches max before it is mown again, but it is incredibly dense and has a lot of clover and other ground covering stuff in it that make it virtually impossible to find your ball unless you're stepping on it. Unless you are able to hit it hard, chipping out sideways is usually the way to go.

I don't mind rough to be punishing in the way that it is clingy and difficult to hit out of. It is rough after all. But I would like a chance to find the ball and at least give it a try.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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First cut is just a centimetre or so longer than the fairway cut so easily playable second cut is another few centimetres longer again most of the time you can see it and get a reasonable lie.

But we have three levels the worst of which is basically waist high (in places) and thick, if you go in there you aren't finding it and if you do you probably can't get it out very far, most of the time you've got to be really wayward to get in there but there are some places where it's a bit too close to the racing line for my liking!

We have areas of your third cut - they are there for definition and wildlife reasons and aren't considered active parts of the playing course (although of course people will put a ball in them from time to time!). Over the years we have refined their positioning and they are now considered about right ie it's pretty rare for most members to put a ball into one.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Our first cut is maybe double the length of the fairway, 2nd is double that and the rough is longer still.

The rough is better this year. The club Bought a Bailer and rough cutter a comb. They used it a few times over winter and got rid of the really thick stuff. with the great weather we have had, its really sprouted in the last week.

its is coming trough a lot thinner and more whispy, you can now find it quite easily, but still requires you to take your medicine or the longer stuff wraps around the shafts a closed the face, so just end up further in if you take too much club out.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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It's horrible, it's difficult to find the ball and if you do it's even more difficult to play a shot as the grass catches the club and basically folds over the ball!

Wouldn't mind but shots onto middle of some fairways slop, and with the good conditions now just bounce and roll into the rough!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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You can (usually) find your ball in our first cut - but it's a lot easier if you watch carefully where it goes - a good discipline for all of us to practice and for some to learn.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Our 1st cut is as it should be, it's obviously longer than the fairways displaying some excellent definition, it's about 2ft wide lining the fairways, but the ball is very playable from it.

However, the rough immediately next to it is brutal, either the same height of the ball or very slightly less. It's thick and dense, even tough for a hybrid, so find yourself in this and it's a shot gone, it's an 8i at best to get out, so if your off target, your punished, and rightly so IMO.
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Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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We have areas of your third cut - they are there for definition and wildlife reasons and aren't considered active parts of the playing course (although of course people will put a ball in them from time to time!). Over the years we have refined their positioning and they are now considered about right ie it's pretty rare for most members to put a ball into one.

I've noticed a few areas where the unplayable stuff has been cut back a little further away from the playing course this year compared to last, oddly enough the deep stuff closest to the fairways comes on the par 30 short course where the "beginners" play (though I must admit I play more golf on this than the big course)


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Our rough is 30cm+ and thick so if you're in it then you're looking at a probable 3 shot drop. 1st cut has the cuttings left and is a bit more than ball high so it can be difficult to locate the ball.

Staff and fuel costs may be a factor in the current business climate.


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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As above at ours too.

First cut is almost ball height, grabby, settley-downy and wiry. I'm rubbish out of rough so it kills me when I get into it.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Ours is under control.
Gentle first cut is about double the fairway length and the second cut is a bit more than double that.
The longer stuff is about shin high and mostly kept that way.
Where fairways run alongside each other the rough is cut to first height. You're in the trees and hacking out but at least you'll find your ball.
Very few knee high areas, more bushes and brambles...


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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It was out of control a few weeks ago. Even a few yards off the fairway in the semi and it was a job to find it. Not good for pace of play and all of the holes got a good cut before we hosted a pro event recently. Since then with rain and hot sun, it's gone mad again. Not as bad as it was but it's settling down and is definitely a half shot penalty for getting in it. The real long stuff which is a good way off line, is now a no go zone and a definite provisional every time. Lap of the gods if you find it and more so if you can actually do anything with it


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Our place is keeping pretty much on top of it but growth is very fast at the moment so one day it can be okay and the next it's getting borderline tricky to find your ball.