West Ham fans, scum of the earth?


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Give them helmets and guns let them invade other countries and it will all be legal. Oh i forget we are doing that as well, it is mankind this is the way we have always been sometimes Legal: Wars, Boxing, Wrestling, Martial arts etc. Illegal friday saturday nights, football matches, demonstrations.

I'm sure that the vast majority of the population would love to see an exchange between them and our troops in Afghanistan, trouble is, if the enemy is going to fight back, they would all desert.
They are cowards of the highest order.
They feed from each others venom when in large numbers and, fuelled by alcohol become invincible.
Once sober in a harsh environment and being shot, at they would become the true cowards that they are and flee

Are there no football hooligans in the british army ?
I would imagine there was a mix of people from varied backgrounds and jobs.
You seem to have a definitive view on them maybe you were involved yourself once.

In my younger, "stupid" days Yes!
Certainly not with weapons, never!!!
Would a stint in the forces have straightened me out? absolutely.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Having been to both Upton Park and the Old Den I can safely say they are two of the scariest places I've ever been to and I went away with England!!

It seems from what I've read and seen that for once Millwall were not the main culprits and that West Ham had this planned well in advance even down to trying to get the game abandoned if they were losing. I kid you not!

Having been caught in some regular trouble as an away fan in the 80's with my only crime being to follow my team away I can say with some certainty that it is a social problem and not one that can be directly linked to the game however many billions are swilling around in fees and wages.


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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Going off football, you bet I am!

Been listening to Talk Sport in and out of car all day today.
What really annoys me is, all I hear people say, "it's the fault of the League, the Clubs, the FA, BUT NOBODY has said it's the fault of the HOOLIGANS. That's the trouble with society today - someone else is to blame - makes my blood boil!
