Well hello again.....


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
Visit site
Hey chaps,

Just saying a wee hello again after a bit of an extended absence. :)
I see that my first post was waayyyyy back in 2007 and my last one was in 2015. I call those the GM Forum obsessive years!
I've only had one actual round in anger since then (at Nairn in March 2022) but am on the verge of getting back into the game again.
Anyone still here from those heady days way back when? Feel free to say hello. Still in touch with many of the Scottish boys, particularly, on FB but would be good to hear from those that I've maybe lost touch with in the interim.
Hope you're all well and behaving yourselves.

Cheers and beers
Welcome back - again:LOL:
Some veterans still here but some have moved on..
Not much has changed...arguments get started over nothing, get resolved, start up again...same old same old...:ROFLMAO:
I'm still here!

Played with Hutchy in a comp a couple of months ago amd he'd arranged a game for boys from Clarke s bar, myst have been may time.
Hey guys. Good to see some familiar names again. Ah. Same old forum, eh. Lol.

Yes, I was a bit of a video buff back in the day and it's good to look back at the old Forum meets for a laugh. I still reckon one of the best moments caught on camera was during the England v Scotland Ryder Cup meet at Goswick back in 2011 when Grumpyjock pitched in for an eagle 2 (net 1) on the 18th hole. The gathered crowd went wild! I believe Chris has since passed away but it's great to have a record of the memory!

Have a wee donder down memory lane with my GM Forum playlist if you fancy, chaps. Always good value. ? Here's a link. Enjoy and see you around.

Hi John,

Always nice to see one of the members from way back make an appearance here, brings back some great memories.

I'm back after a bit of a sabbatical myself, hope you get the bug again.