Weight transfer help please.



Hi all,
I have been told and can now really easily feel that I am leaving my weigh on my back foot. I also know that I can sometimes come over the top. These are the two bad things (maybe I should say two of the bad thing) in my swing, I guess I over swing still too. In the past I would have tried to deal with all of this in one go but I have learned that I cannot do that so I am going to work on weight transfer first.

Here is a video of my swing from a week or two ago, Be aware the back swing does not start till 40 sec in as it’s a slow motion video so just skip to 0.40.


As it happens it was a really lovely shot, pretty long and very straight but I felt my weight getting left behind. I don’t actually mind the back swing at all, weight onto my back foot, arm straight head still ish, not even the worst transition into the downswing but then its UGLY all the way from there to the point where my front foot tunes because there is not weight on it.

Any and all comments welcome. What I would like is a drill or advice so that I can work on this, Thanks so much.



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It's not really a weight issue... it's a TRUST issue.

Start by lining up properly according to the shot shape you want to hit.


As you can see your clubface is starting the ball approx 30° left of where the ball should actually be going.

If you want to stick with the swing you have then I'd recommend opening your stance slightly to start with, aim properly!. Yes you might even start slicing for a while until you get used to it and learn to control the swing/clubface properly, but that's the price you pay for getting better ;)

If you are lined up right the last thing you want to be doing is sending the ball off to the left. Either start by fixing the alignment and hittng the ball where you are lined up OR start trusting yourself and hit the ball out to the right... with a nice draw ;)

your over the top move is because that's the only way to get that ball started left of where you're aiming.... and the lack of weight shift is an effect of trying to get the ball started left.

hope that helps.


It does help. What is the green line for please?

Am I trying to hit the ball left? Is that what you mean?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
The green line is an approx line that you should have been trying to START the ball according to the way you lined up.

Is it distance or accuracy that you'd like to improve?


Is it distance or accuracy that you'd like to improve?

Yes please!!

No really thought this is not a cry for help post, more a tweak and search for drills. I found what you said very interesting about believing in myself a little, I totally get that.

When I was custom fit the other week the Pro showed me in slow mo, a full size clip me coming over the top. He said it was amassing to see the human body compensate like that in such a short space of time. I believe from more data than just this video that I do have an issue with moving my weight, don’t get me wrong I can hit a mean drive off my back foot but I like to move forward where and when I can.

I know from the last time that I posted a clip here I took a good step forward for a few weeks then tried to add everything that everyone said into my swing and lost my way. I would like to be a little more intelligent about it this time so will be working on just one thing at a time. That said, you have asked me to sort my alignment and that is a fundamental and will be something I will be addressing right away.

Last thing, you said in the post something like “if you want to keep this swing”. Was that a S&T hint or do you think my swing is fundamentally bad? Don’t worry I am a big boy, if it’s the latter I would rather hear your opinion. It was my plan to keep the swing and work on the 3 key points I see as the problems, weight, over swing & casting. I have an idea that they are all part of the same problem and I think it may be the over swing. I e it’s easier to get back to the left side if you have not gone off balance on the right side.

NB it’s only a driver in my hand because that was the clip I was linked, I don’t miss more than about 2 fairways a round.

Thanks so much for your time.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
When hitting a driver you CAN stay back on it.. especially if trying to move the ball from left to right. You really CAN have a different swing with your driver than with your irons if you want to.

However, if you want to move the ball right to left you have to change a LOT of things.... hence the question.

(nb: What's your iron swing/shot shape like?)


Lift your left heel on your backswing then stamp it down as you come into the ball. It worked for big Jack!


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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One think I can see (and I'm in no way qualified). At the top of the backswing, to me, your right leg looks a little straight. Maybe retaining a little more flex in the knee might help you stop overswinging so much.


One think I can see (and I'm in no way qualified). At the top of the backswing, to me, your right leg looks a little straight. Maybe retaining a little more flex in the knee might help you stop overswinging so much.

Thanks so much, I had spotted that and will be keeping an eye on it. Swing a little less seems to help more with the overswing thought :D Im billy big bollo* so I just try and hit the ball to hard too.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Keeping the knee flexed will actually help you swing OVER THE TOP as your hands won't go so deep behind you (in-to-out) if you don't turn your hips properly.

...just thought I'd mention that ;)


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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Keeping the knee flexed will actually help you swing OVER THE TOP as your hands won't go so deep behind you (in-to-out) if you don't turn your hips properly.

...just thought I'd mention that ;)

I always thought that straightening your right leg on the backswing causes a reverse pivot with your weight being on the left side at the top of the backswing..?

Actually, i'm talking to a stack and tilter so you'll prob say that that's a good thing ;)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I don't reverse pivot. My spine NEVER leans towards the target and neither does anyone else's that does S&T properly.

You are making mighty sweeping statements about something you CLEARLY know nothing about.


Keeping the knee flexed will actually help you swing OVER THE TOP as your hands won't go so deep behind you (in-to-out) if you don't turn your hips properly.

...just thought I'd mention that ;)

Actually, i'm talking to a stack and tilter so you'll prob say that that's a good thing ;)



Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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oooOOOOOOooooh, touchy much..?

I actually meant that keeping your weight on the left is a good thing, in stack and tilt circles. And I meant it in a lighthearted way, hence the winky face, but that seems to have completely bypassed you.

And I meant no criticism of S&T, quite frankly you could play blindfolded, in marigolds and your legs crossed for all I care. You could also beat my a$$ up and down any course in the land, so there, some vindication for you, hope that cheers you up a tad.

Now, here's your dummy back, be a good chap and keep it in the pram.


Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2009
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Whenever I feel I'm not transferring my weight correctly I always go back to the "step-through" drill; that is taking a step forward with your right foot on the follow-through.


Whenever I feel I'm not transferring my weight correctly I always go back to the "step-through" drill; that is taking a step forward with your right foot on the follow-through.

Yes love this, I started doing last night and also snapping my right leg. Its all working well but I must say I am now a little distracted by my fade.... I must keep focus for now!!!