Volvo Matchplay - Macster and HRC99 - Round 2


Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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Last night saw Macster and I take on Phil and John from Selby Golf Club in round 2 of the Volvo Matchplay as part of Team GM.

The venue was Macster's home club of Brough Golf Club.

We knew we'd have our hands full as our opponents had played in the event for the past nine years and had got out of the "group" stage on multiple occasions and even made it to the final in Portugal. They even looked like a team with their identical outfits. :D

In stark contrast to the abysmal golf in our first round at Malton, the match started with some great golf with three of the first five holes being won with birdies. Two of them from Macster including a great putt at the 5th saw us level after 5.

A half at the sixth was then followed by losing the next to a shot hole from one of our opponents. Two further halves saw us reach the turn one down but still confident.

The turn was my own personal highpoint which saw me offer my most significant contribution to the match: four pieces of home-made Bakewell Tart. ;)

Another half at the tough stroke 1, 10th was followed by a disappointing loss at 11. At which point, the heavens opened and I mean opened.

We stood under a shelter by the 12th tee watching as the rain poured down. With little wind to move it on, down and down it came.

After about ten minutes, a puddle started to appear on the 11th green and another on the 9th. There was no pause in the rain as it hammered down and the greens, that we could see, continued to flood.

No-one seemed to have much of an idea at what point a course becomes unplayable due to flooding and, being two up, our opponents were naturally keen to give it as long as possible.

After about half an hour, the rain started to ease slightly and we moved on. The tough 199 yard par 3, 12th was halved after both Macster and I failed to sink mid-range putts for the win.

Solid pars at 13 saw a further hole gone and, at two down, with 5 to go, we knew we needed a win in the next couple of holes to put some pressure back on our opponents.

So, of course, we duly both smash our drives into the trees on the driveable par 4, 14th. :( With one of our opponents having hit a perfect 3 wood to sixty yards out, we are again in trouble. Macster and I chip out sideways back onto the fairway whereupon our opponent chunks pitch before knocking it on to about 20 feet.

A great chip from Macster and a lovely pitch from myself saw our balls no more than ten feet from the pin and only a foot apart.

A solid two putt from our opponent leaves us with a putt each for the hole. With two near identical putts, we should be getting a hole back here. Well we should have done. :eek:

Macster misses left and I miss right and we're still two down with four to play.

Our two opponents put their tee shots in the trees on 15 and we've got another opportunity. I go for it with the driver and stripe on down the middle (finally) but Macster snap hooks his three wood into the trees.

Macster hits another tree, then a further one before picking up. Our opponents manage to thread one of their shots just off the back of the green.

So, I'm stood there with a great chance to get us a hole back. Perfect position. 147 yards out. The rain has stopped, the greens are very receptive. The pin is even cut to the right suiting my slight fade. The ball is just begging to be hit close.

So I fat it. :eek:

Hole halved in bogey and, with one of our opponents on a shot on the 16th, we are staring down the barrel.

The barrel that we are staring down turns out to be that of a cannon as they both proceed to cream their two best tee shots off the day miles down the middle with perfect touches of draw.

Two hooks later and Macster and I are in the trees coming out sideways with around 200 yards to go to the par 4, 16th.

One solid par from our opponents and we're shaking hands and out of the Volvo Matchplay, 3 and 2.

It was a good game with some decent golf played (mostly by the other three) and I think our opponents will be very tough to beat. They are both very solid off 9 and 14 respectively, a great pairing and have obviously played an awful lot of matchplay together.

Macster and I had chances to get back into the match but just didn't take them.

So, we're out.

Apologies to the forum and GM for not getting any further but grateful thanks to Mike and GM for giving us both the opportunity to play in the Volvo Matchplay.

It's a great competition and, if Macster's game, I'd be up for entering again next year and we'll try again. ;)


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Good write up H, and having gone back over the round, to put things into perspective.......I was only +1 Gross after 9 ! (-1 after 7 !)
So to be 2 down was a tad dissapointing !

Oh well, always next year !