Video of my swing


Assistant Pro
Nov 8, 2013
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I though I would post a few videos of my current swing. It changes daily!!

I have been playing for two years and have managed to drop 9 shots in my first season. Starting at 19 and ending up this year on 10.

I started off with a slice but with a few lessons I have managed to start hitting a baby draw.

Things do not go well if I forget to check my alignment.

What do you guys think? Any things I can improve on? I would like to get more power in my swing as I'm happy with most other parts of my game!

Look ok forward to your reply.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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bunch of decent things going on there. alignment is key as you say, to that, good idea to get the alignment rod (or club) down parallel to your target line so you can set-up good & parallel to that alignment to start your practice sessions.

if you look at carefully at your motion going back to the top, you can see you move off the ball to your right a little ways then coming back to the ball you slide back a little ways to far to the left - movement you have to make to get back to the ball because in the backswing you've moved off it some.

also then you can't really turn through impact allowing also your right hip & right side to fully turn through.

you can see at finish you're not really right up on the point of your right foot so your right upper side & shoulder doesn't come fully through to target which leads to the kinda little ways collapse of the follow through at the end of the swing motion, when hands arms club come down low onto the shoulder, with a bunch of weight still on the right foot you can see the crease in the shoe with the right foot more on the ball of the foot some.

a thing to concentrate on that will help is to feel a more centered turn back to the top, feel the center of your chest pretty much stays where it is as you rotate, head is nice & steady as your right shoulder turns back behind you, your right hip turns back behind you on the right leg, weight staying on & along the inside of your right foot with some flex retained in the right leg.

then feel from the top the weight just presses into the left foot down into the ground as you turn down & swing down & through with the left hip 'turning' left, body turning over a posted left leg. resist the temptation to try to help the ball by feeling you need to swing upwards through impact. at the top put the weight into the ground through the left leg, turn down & swing down & through trust the loft in the club it will get the ball up.

doing this drill with a chair should help you feel a little ways more of a centered turn back to then be able to rotate through fully to a good balanced finish position.



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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To my (untrained eye) your left side is stopping you release through the ball ,open your left foot a bit and when you release through , imagine if there is someone behind you they should be able to see all the spikes on your right shoe ..

Deleted member 15344

Going down 10 shots this year is impressive - well done


Assistant Pro
Nov 8, 2013
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bunch of decent things going on there. alignment is key as you say, to that, good idea to get the alignment rod (or club) down parallel to your target line so you can set-up good & parallel to that alignment to start your practice sessions.

if you look at carefully at your motion going back to the top, you can see you move off the ball to your right a little ways then coming back to the ball you slide back a little ways to far to the left - movement you have to make to get back to the ball because in the backswing you've moved off it some.

also then you can't really turn through impact allowing also your right hip & right side to fully turn through.

you can see at finish you're not really right up on the point of your right foot so your right upper side & shoulder doesn't come fully through to target which leads to the kinda little ways collapse of the follow through at the end of the swing motion, when hands arms club come down low onto the shoulder, with a bunch of weight still on the right foot you can see the crease in the shoe with the right foot more on the ball of the foot some.

a thing to concentrate on that will help is to feel a more centered turn back to the top, feel the center of your chest pretty much stays where it is as you rotate, head is nice & steady as your right shoulder turns back behind you, your right hip turns back behind you on the right leg, weight staying on & along the inside of your right foot with some flex retained in the right leg.

then feel from the top the weight just presses into the left foot down into the ground as you turn down & swing down & through with the left hip 'turning' left, body turning over a posted left leg. resist the temptation to try to help the ball by feeling you need to swing upwards through impact. at the top put the weight into the ground through the left leg, turn down & swing down & through trust the loft in the club it will get the ball up.

doing this drill with a chair should help you feel a little ways more of a centered turn back to then be able to rotate through fully to a good balanced finish position.


Thanks for taking the time to write that post. I will try the chair drill.


Assistant Pro
Nov 8, 2013
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It's a great effort to get down 10 shots so well done. Have you spoken to your pro you've had lessons with about the swing? My advice echoes Bob's and get the short game firing

Im still having lessons with him. Just thought I would get other views. My pro sends me a video each lesson so i thought I would post one on here.

Im happy with my short game. It's on par with most people I play with with a range of handicaps. Could always be better though! I don't hit my driver as far as people I play with though! That's what I would like to improve the most.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
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Im still having lessons with him. Just thought I would get other views. My pro sends me a video each lesson so i thought I would post one on here.

Im happy with my short game. It's on par with most people I play with with a range of handicaps. Could always be better though! I don't hit my driver as far as people I play with though! That's what I would like to improve the most.

Fair play. If your short game and putting are as sharp as you want (can always be sharper) then go back to your pro and see what he wants to work with you on. The next few months are perfect for making changes without reinventing the wheel and all about getting in a position to hit the ground running in the spring

Deleted member 15344

230-240 carry on average. Sometimes I will hit it further than that the whole round. Sometimes not so far.

That seems about a decent average - if you are hitting the fairway with those drives then you are doing well


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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couple of things that would be worth you taking a look at. given the 230+ ish carry number with the driver. (which itself can be a workable number to play to a decent level providing you find a good percentage of FIR, plus there's then also a good GiR return.

but also there's not a player around am or pro that wouldn't improve their score through having a better short game return. good reasons as to why most elite ams, pro's spend around 70% of there practice time around the scoring end of the game.

so do you know what your average driver club head speed is for real, not a guesstimate- so the speed when you're not trying to kill it but swing at say a comfortable 80% effort.

useful to find out what speed is giving you that distance of carry as that would point you in the direction of things to improve in the swing itself.
also useful to find your what your average attack angle + launch angle + spin rate numbers are with a launch monitor session. if you should go & use Trackman see what the SF (smash factor) average number is, if you go somewhere to use a GC2 check the Efficiency number. these different labels for the same thing how 'well' clubhead speed translates into ball speed.

(would still say that a likely issue with this is going to be a little ways too much lateral movement off the ball in the takeaway/backswing- as my earlier post - as to get back to the ball in good shape you then have to make a compensatory movement/s in your downswing through impact. so in order to do that your timing of the compensations has to be exact everytime, difficult to do, especially with any kinda of pressure on the shot. also the movements/compensations make you hang back some - in this particular vid - on the trailside.)

would say find out what that 80% driver clubhead speed that's giving you the 230+ ish is, that will give an indication of how efficient the swing motion is. if it's around 93 mph-ish then the efficiency number (SF) will be a pretty good one - so you'd know you'd need to talk to your Pro as to what would be the best way to improve the motion for more speed through impact. (would certainly include getting your whole right side, leg, hip, torso through the shot)
one good drill is just to simply turn your driver upside-down & learn to swing to make the 'swoosh' target side of the ball, every swing.

plus find out about 'contact on the face' buy a can of footspray, spray clubface, hit 5, 80% drives see what pattern of strike that giving you on the face, wipe reapply the spray hit another 5, 80% - over the 10 strikes that should give you a decent enough idea of exactly what pattern is happening at impact.
then do the same with you swinging at whatever is the flat out speed you can handle, 5 then wipe then another 5.

my guess would be there going to be some movement around the face with probably both these results.

but - if you are mostly hitting center then the little ways extra 'movement' {which leaves you not getting completely through the strike} in your swing is not allowing you to produce the optimum clubhead speed -such as the 'hangback' if that is a regular thing- &/or there's a little ways too much downward AoA into impact which is giving you too much of a spin loft angle which will decrease the ball speed plus up the spin rate so less efficient transfer of whatever clubhead speed you produce into ball speed.

finding this all out would show you just what you need to be looking at so you can then work on the right things to improve.