Trackman data - what does it mean?


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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So these are my stats with a 6iron averaged over 6 shots only

ATTACK ANG: -3.5 - I believe this means I have hitting down on the ball?

CLUB PATH: 8.7 - This means my swing is "in to out"?


CLUB SPEED: 67.6 - "This is fairly slow? This is probably a consequence of my shortish backswing



SPIN RATE: 3763 - "I assume this is a little on the low side and should ideally be up around the 5000 mark?

SWING PL: 55.9

Anyone tell me what this actually means and what the numbers "should" be and how I can get to those numbers?
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The vertical angle the club approaches the ball at. -ve is hitting down.

The horizontal angle the club approaches the ball at. Can't remember if -ve is in to out or out to in.

Club face relative to club path. Again, not sure which way round -ve is.

Self explanatory?

Self explanatory?

The angle relative to the ground that the ball leaves the club at.

How much backspin is on the ball is rpm's

SWING PL: 55.9
Not sure on this one.

Depending on which way round the negative numbers are in club path and face to path, it looks like either a nice fade or nice draw.
Club and ball speed hint that you don't hit it very far (apologies if I'm wrong).
Launch angle would be about right for a driver. 6 iron ought to be closer to 20°.
Spin also looks quite low. 6i from memory wants to be around 6,000rpm.

Maybe softer or high launch shafts might help?
You edited while I was typing lol.

As for ideal numbers, I think the ones to do with the direction you swing the club look good. To get better numbers on the other ones you either need to hit the ball harder or get more help from the clubs.
You edited while I was typing lol.

As for ideal numbers, I think the ones to do with the direction you swing the club look good. To get better numbers on the other ones you either need to hit the ball harder or get more help from the clubs.

Ha, yeah sorry! :)

According to the simulation the natural shot was a draw. You are absolutely spot on that my distances are a bit weak caused by the low launch angle and slow swing speed. These are actually from my recent club fitting so the suggestion was an increase in loft to help with spin and launch angle, but I decided against buying them.

What can I do drill wise to improve my swing speed and launch angle, or is that a bit of an impossible question to answer based on just this data?
What was smash factor?

Not provided in the report, but I could work it out I suppose? My maths is terrible, but this is the formula apparently:

looking at this I would focus solely on increasing the club head speed initially.

that alone, in isolation (but of course it never happens that way :)) will increase the spin rate which will increase the launch angle, the ball speed and therefore the carry you achieve.

the figures suggest that you aren't loosing clubhead speed because of an early release (common) so it will be down to a video to get any real understanding of probable causes.
When I got fitted earlier this year, The shaft that gave me the best compromise of launch, carry and dispersion was True Temper Dynamic Gold R300.

They only launch at between 16° and 18° for me. Although since having lesson earlier in the year, it's probably nearer the 18° more consitently now.

I tried they Dynalite R300, in fact, this was the recommended shaft for my swing (Mizuno Swing DNA). These lauched between 20° and 22° (More emphasis on the 22°) with the same club head, but the flight went so high at its peak I was losing around 12 yards of distance when compare to the regular R300.
Not provided in the report, but I could work it out I suppose? My maths is terrible, but this is the formula apparently:


Smash Factor = Ball Speed / Club Speed

So 93.3 / 67.6 = 1.38, which is pretty decent for a 6 iron.

I assume you were using proper golf balls rather than range balls?
looking at this I would focus solely on increasing the club head speed initially.

that alone, in isolation (but of course it never happens that way :)) will increase the spin rate which will increase the launch angle, the ball speed and therefore the carry you achieve.

the figures suggest that you aren't loosing clubhead speed because of an early release (common) so it will be down to a video to get any real understanding of probable causes.

I honestly think (and I could be wrong) but my slow swing speed comes from the fact I tend to only have about a 1/2 to 3/4 swing so simply don't give myself enough time or space on the downswing to generate the speed. I don't know how I can lengthen my swing because when I try to do it I tend to lose control. I had a look at a Ben Hogan video where he slides against a mirror, as I assume I'm just not turning my hips enough, but it was causing me to slide my hips too far to the left on the down swing meaning my angle of attack was even shallower creating all manor or issues.

Smash Factor = Ball Speed / Club Speed

So 93.3 / 67.6 = 1.38, which is pretty decent for a 6 iron.

I assume you were using proper golf balls rather than range balls?

Yeah they were premium balls hit into a net
that is pretty decent with 1.4 the suggested target

I think 1.4 is the figure bandied about to represent a decent hit with the driver, which has more of a trampoline effect than irons do and also less loss of energy due to club direction vs ball direction (the more loft on the club the less energy is transferred).

Here's PGA Tour averages...

Before the physicists (sp?) get on my case, the same amount of energy is transferred but the higher the loft, the more of it is rotational (spin) and less ball speed.

but then again, that rotational energy can contribute to positive aspects of the ball's trajectory and carry (as well as control on landing etc :))

that's can, not will ...
I honestly think (and I could be wrong) but my slow swing speed comes from the fact I tend to only have about a 1/2 to 3/4 swing so simply don't give myself enough time or space on the downswing to generate the speed.

happy to bet that it's more to do with timing and shoulder turn on the downswing...but without video (or simple observation) it's impossible to know for sure.
Trackman data - what does it mean?

It means you have unnecessarily spent yet more money on golf and are still no better a player. Invariably, it also means you have new clubs but the same handicap.
Trackman data - what does it mean?

It means you have unnecessarily spent yet more money on golf and are still no better a player. Invariably, it also means you have new clubs but the same handicap.

You cynic you. Not quite, no new clubs... yet.
Trackman data - what does it mean?

It means you have unnecessarily spent yet more money on golf and are still no better a player. Invariably, it also means you have new clubs but the same handicap.

And the fact that the question in the OP was asked means the results mean lettle/nothing to him either!

Though haven't you acquired a 'new' set of irons this year? :whistle:

@OP. Swing speed does seem quite low. Even my somewhat wimpy one is 80-85! To increase it is quite difficult. Everything that is in sync now has to be kept in sync, so everything has to happen quicker - at least on the donswing - so quite difficult to achieve.

And the fact that the question in the OP was asked means the results mean lettle/nothing to him either!

Though haven't you acquired a 'new' set of irons this year? :whistle:

@OP. Swing speed does seem quite low. Even my somewhat wimpy one is 80-85! To increase it is quite difficult. Everything that is in sync now has to be kept in sync, so everything has to happen quicker - at least on the donswing - so quite difficult to achieve.

I was more asking what the "optimal" figures would be and how I could improve the ones I had.