Too many thoughts - driving issue


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Initially asked a question in the lounge about hitting my 3 wood and Bob and few others suggested the headcover drill plus a couple of pointers which I used for my driving too which helped massively. I hit it left to right and compensate for it and have got used to it and work with it - wrong I know but it works for me as I don't play enough or go to the range to try correct it.

Been to the range more times this week than the last year to try practice and was getting great results for me and felt like I'd broke through especially with distance.

I noticed the pro hanging round as they were giving quick 10 min lessons for free in the hope that you sign up for more, he came over and had a chat and asked if I wanted to be filmed and he'd email me some advice. We looked at the vid and he pointed out that I'm too upright, hands too high, very out to in which is why I lose it left to right and which was probably why I wasn't hitting long. He suggested a few drills and left me too it.

Tried the drills and couldnt hit a damn thing!!!

Been to the range again tonight and the pro asked me how I was getting on - terrible so we spent a few minutes trying again but he suggested a slight grip change - said I had a soft grip and I couldn't see 3 knuckles on my left hand. Tried everything and now can't hit a drive to save my life, seem to have too many thoughts in my head about what I should and shouldnt be doing.

Playing Alwoodley on Sunday and really to get back to just hitting a half decent drive but just don't feel confident at all, really disappointed.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Changing your grip can certainly feel awkward.... set up changes however require no thought, just do the changes then forget about them when you swing (as they are already done) - just make your swing, hit the ball, and trust the results.

It kinda goes like this....

Am I aimed correctly
Is my grip how I was told
Is my posture how I was told
Is the ball position where I was told
Is my head/weight where I was told....

Ok, right now let's just give it a whack at my target.... BOOM!!! :D
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Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I'm going to give it a go and just concentrate on the basics and try incorporate what I was told.

I would just add to JO advice by saying dont fall into the trap of swinging hard because its a driver, you may think that you need to.

Swing easy, through the ball to a high finish. Job aint done when the ball is struck.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Managed to sneak to the range this morning (avoiding the pro this time) and I realised that my left arm was collapsing so just tried hitting 3/4 swings slowly at first and keeping a straighter left arm longer and it seemed to help.

Thanks for the advice guys, I know its a basic thing to do and correct but was driving me mad (no pun intended).

Swinging slower and through definitely helped. Hopefully I can get a few drives off and not embarrass myself too much.

Scotty Cameron

Head Pro
Nov 18, 2014
Washington, UK
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Initially asked a question in the lounge about hitting my 3 wood and Bob and few others suggested the headcover drill plus a couple of pointers which I used for my driving too which helped massively. I hit it left to right and compensate for it and have got used to it and work with it - wrong I know but it works for me as I don't play enough or go to the range to try correct it.

Been to the range more times this week than the last year to try practice and was getting great results for me and felt like I'd broke through especially with distance.

I noticed the pro hanging round as they were giving quick 10 min lessons for free in the hope that you sign up for more, he came over and had a chat and asked if I wanted to be filmed and he'd email me some advice. We looked at the vid and he pointed out that I'm too upright, hands too high, very out to in which is why I lose it left to right and which was probably why I wasn't hitting long. He suggested a few drills and left me too it.

Tried the drills and couldnt hit a damn thing!!!

Been to the range again tonight and the pro asked me how I was getting on - terrible so we spent a few minutes trying again but he suggested a slight grip change - said I had a soft grip and I couldn't see 3 knuckles on my left hand. Tried everything and now can't hit a drive to save my life, seem to have too many thoughts in my head about what I should and shouldnt be doing.

Playing Alwoodley on Sunday and really to get back to just hitting a half decent drive but just don't feel confident at all, really disappointed.

you can play with me on sunday, there are no thoughts going through my head, I just get to the ball and whack it. If it goes where I want then all is good, if not then I just shrug my shoulders and go chasing after it.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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you can play with me on sunday, there are no thoughts going through my head, I just get to the ball and whack it. If it goes where I want then all is good, if not then I just shrug my shoulders and go chasing after it.

Great attitude, see you Sunday. There's nothing much in my head so I'm normally ok lol.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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I have a brand new Sldr driver sitting in the spares bag, and it's staying there! I normally start off with a hybrid, if that's working then I may try the mini, if it's not Working I go for the 4/5 iron. At our level the only need for driver is because we want to hit it.

good luck for Sunday, see you up there :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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I have a brand new Sldr driver sitting in the spares bag, and it's staying there! I normally start off with a hybrid, if that's working then I may try the mini, if it's not Working I go for the 4/5 iron. At our level the only need for driver is because we want to hit it.

good luck for Sunday, see you up there :thup:

Can't wait Dave. All about enjoying the course like you say at our level and I'll definitely do that.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Marshy, it came up the other day after Bob mentioned it, but one thing i found a revelation was a very slight pause at the top of the swing, What that has done is just slowed everything down stopping me being too aggressive. especially with the driver, smooths the transition right out! Give it a go next time you get some range time! Helped me no end!


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Marshy, it came up the other day after Bob mentioned it, but one thing i found a revelation was a very slight pause at the top of the swing, What that has done is just slowed everything down stopping me being too aggressive. especially with the driver, smooths the transition right out! Give it a go next time you get some range time! Helped me no end!

Right, ok will have a look at this too on my next range visit. Cheers :thup:

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Initially asked a question in the lounge about hitting my 3 wood and Bob and few others suggested the headcover drill plus a couple of pointers which I used for my driving too which helped massively. I hit it left to right and compensate for it and have got used to it and work with it - wrong I know but it works for me as I don't play enough or go to the range to try correct it.

Been to the range more times this week than the last year to try practice and was getting great results for me and felt like I'd broke through especially with distance.

I noticed the pro hanging round as they were giving quick 10 min lessons for free in the hope that you sign up for more, he came over and had a chat and asked if I wanted to be filmed and he'd email me some advice. We looked at the vid and he pointed out that I'm too upright, hands too high, very out to in which is why I lose it left to right and which was probably why I wasn't hitting long. He suggested a few drills and left me too it.

Tried the drills and couldnt hit a damn thing!!!

Been to the range again tonight and the pro asked me how I was getting on - terrible so we spent a few minutes trying again but he suggested a slight grip change - said I had a soft grip and I couldn't see 3 knuckles on my left hand. Tried everything and now can't hit a drive to save my life, seem to have too many thoughts in my head about what I should and shouldnt be doing.

Playing Alwoodley on Sunday and really to get back to just hitting a half decent drive but just don't feel confident at all, really disappointed.

I know exactly where your coming from matey as "word for word" I'm having the same problem myself at the moment, I've got no suggestions as to how to fix it but I shall be keeping a very close eye on this post !...:thup: