Toilet Golf - This draw is killing me.... Help!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Guys i need help, i need some drills to try and work out what the hell is going on with this game. I coming of the back of a recent run of good games, had 3 weeks off and now cant hit a straight ball for the love of trying.

Im either getting a medium draw missing greens and fairways left or a complete block out off the tee with a driver pushing them right,

Last year i worked alot with my pro who found a couple of faults that were key to a stupidly strong draw

* turning my leading foot slightly
* grip open that promoted a bigger draw
* flat swing plane.
* a bit to much wrist at point of contact

through the autum and winter i worked hard at the range and pretty much stopped them all and in the spring went from shooting high 80's rounds to low 80's with the odd high 70's thrown in... but its gone to pot.

Ive checked what i feel i can,

Grip - same as it was after we worked on it, even had pics taken to check against web images looks spot on.

Foot - ive even gone as far as dropping a tee peg just outside my left foot to see if its moving on my down swing or at the top of my swing (it is just, but if i say less than an inch at most)

Swing paths - divots look to have exactly the right swing path that was intended as i tended to take a practice swing slighly grazing the grass then ling up off of this and its all in line with what i want and more importantly in line with a club layed along my feet.

Last nights stats:

+20 playing from 15 h/c - not one ball lost!

Fairways hit 7/13 (3 miss left blocks, 3 missed right draws)
Greens (GIR) 5/18 - all miss lefts
Putts 42 :eek:

this is killing me.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Murph, of all 88 shots or 46 if you disregard the puts, only 5 would have been straight. The card was saved by good chipping and it was rediculous.

Our par 3's range from 100 yards to 180, i didnt hit one of them. i know its bad when i cant hit a 9 iron into a 120 yard par 3.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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OS - you do seem to lurch from self professed god like golf (pre h'cap cards) to this end of the world scenario you describe above.

I would say just relax and go play, have some banter and a bit of fun.

A bit less time on the forum and more time on the course?? Over 500 posts in just over 1 month of joining!! You trying to chase Homer down?? :D


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
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Your FIR and GIR are about right for 15 h/cap. They are better than mine (usually) and I try to play somewhere near 13.

Your putts should be about 33/35 per round (my average is about 32).

2.3 per hole - not good

Get your short game (chipping close and putting) sorted mate.

Did you get your h/cap at Selsdon Park?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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bobmac - right handed mate.,

Robobum, my self professed godness as you explain it is a bit random. Before joing my local i was playing good golf. Ive always been a strong driver and my 7i down have always been good. in my opinion i only have 2 problme area's (or did at that time) putting, and 5-3 irons. When i joined this forum i was coming off the back of a good consistant 4 months golf. which has seen my scores fall quickly from +20 rounds to +10 rounds. I used to put alot of time in at the range but since the lighter evening are here ive beeing trying to nick a twilight game once a week instead of playing range golf. The pro i use has spent alot of time with me in the last 6 months and in he's opinion i should be playing off 10-12 if my putting is sorted. T come off the back of 4 months good golf to plummet back to my old ways is demoralising, and if posting on here helps me learn and improve then thats surely the idea of a forum. If posting means im chasing homerj, then chase i shall providing i learn more and my golf improves, although its not at the moment.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Ok, man lighten up. It was a joke about posting, hence the smilie.

I must have misunderstood the posts similar to this:

Before joing my local i was playing good golf. Ive always been a strong driver and my 7i down have always been good.

Just relax and go play, set backs and bad form is part and parcel.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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just a bit frustrated with it.

got a double round booked for saturday at two different half decent courses local, and i know a friday night lesson is going to be a dangerous thing to do... but may just do it.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The problem with hooking is .....
Mentally you try not to hook which causes a hook :D
Here's what often happens.
You fear the hook. OOB/lake/forest/etc lurks left waiting to ruin another good day.
You stop turning your body. The hands and arms flick passed you...result...left going left. or hands open and block straight right.
As long as you keep turning through the shot, YOUR HANDS WILL NEVER OVERTAKE YOUR BODY.
As long as your swingpath and grip are ok, this should help.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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My tuppence worth.....

Try experimenting with the alignment of your shoulders and feet position. I find I sometimes smother the driver resulting in excess draw and even a snap hook. You can try pulling your left foot back a tad and worth making sure that your shoulders at address are not aiming right of target.

Good luck.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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bOB & SAWTOOTH, thanks, im going to hit the range friday before work and just try and do some smooth swings to check finishing position etc, seeing if im aiming right or left when i finish, checking head position on the club when im at the top of my back swing to see if the club is closed, and also get on the impact bag tonight to see if im flicking my wrists.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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bOB & SAWTOOTH, thanks, im going to hit the range friday before work and just try and do some smooth swings to check finishing position etc, seeing if im aiming right or left when i finish, checking head position on the club when im at the top of my back swing to see if the club is closed, and also get on the impact bag tonight to see if im flicking my wrists.

So you're going to make your swing smoother, check your finishing position, check your aim when you finish, check the club face at the top of the backswing, and check to see if you're flicking your wrists?

Good luck


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Wow thats a proper work out. :D

While you're at it you may as well check the blade position at half way back point when the club is parallel to the ground. Top tip to identify any rolling of the wrist. Some check this at the same point in the follow through as well, meaning if it is drifting there it will only be a matter of time before its out at impact.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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well not at the same time :)

if i can try and find something common then atleast i have something to go on. or im gonna get a load of sticks on ebay, hit the pub saturday and listen to my mates tell me how good their golf was saturday when they get back.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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The problem with hooking is .....
Mentally you try not to hook which causes a hook :D
Here's what often happens.
You fear the hook. OOB/lake/forest/etc lurks left waiting to ruin another good day.
You stop turning your body. The hands and arms flick passed you...result...left going left. or hands open and block

how interesting, on reflection of yesturdays golf most of the left drives did have danger on the left.

Most of the left irons where holes were having a hazzard on that side of the green.

what is interesting is the holes that i just needed to hit a rescue 3 somewhere down there without thinking were bullet straight.