Time keeping rant

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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Sorry if you find this petty but I have to get this off my chest.

Today was our rescheduled Welsh team handicap championships at Celtic Manor. On the original date I stayed there the night before with HID to make sure there was no rush. This time the tee times were a bit later and I was second out at 11.54. I normally like to get to our club about an hour before my tee time so I can warm up in the nets, practice putting and have a butty. It is a minimum three hour journey down to Celtic Manor so I was looking to get there at 10.30 at the latest. Two of the lads were going down at 7am and that was ideal but I was going down with the captain and he likes to leave things to the last minute - literally parking his car and teeing off 30 seconds later most weeks. He was also staying down there after the comp so I was going back with the other lads.

Anyway, captain agreed to pick me up at 7.30 and promised not to be late so all looked good. 7.30 came and went and at 7.40 I rang him but no reply. Text came back - 5 minutes! 10 minutes then passed, so he was 20 minutes late and I was getting wound up, so I made the decision to go on my own and told him in a text. Apparently he turned up 5 minutes after I left and he got ahead of me when I was filling up so he arrived there before me.

Most of my work involves appointments and time keeping so I cannot understand people who say they will be there at a certain time with no intention of keeping to it.

I felt much happier having driven there and back but I doubt that the captain will improve his time keeping.

Would anyone else have gone on their own or was I just being impatient?


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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Sorry if you find this petty but I have to get this off my chest.

Today was our rescheduled Welsh team handicap championships at Celtic Manor. On the original date I stayed there the night before with HID to make sure there was no rush. This time the tee times were a bit later and I was second out at 11.54. I normally like to get to our club about an hour before my tee time so I can warm up in the nets, practice putting and have a butty. It is a minimum three hour journey down to Celtic Manor so I was looking to get there at 10.30 at the latest. Two of the lads were going down at 7am and that was ideal but I was going down with the captain and he likes to leave things to the last minute - literally parking his car and teeing off 30 seconds later most weeks. He was also staying down there after the comp so I was going back with the other lads.

Anyway, captain agreed to pick me up at 7.30 and promised not to be late so all looked good. 7.30 came and went and at 7.40 I rang him but no reply. Text came back - 5 minutes! 10 minutes then passed, so he was 20 minutes late and I was getting wound up, so I made the decision to go on my own and told him in a text. Apparently he turned up 5 minutes after I left and he got ahead of me when I was filling up so he arrived there before me.

Most of my work involves appointments and time keeping so I cannot understand people who say they will be there at a certain time with no intention of keeping to it.

I felt much happier having driven there and back but I doubt that the captain will improve his time keeping.

Would anyone else have gone on their own or was I just being impatient?

I work on scheduled appointments, and if I'm not doing that I'm playing in tournaments where personal time management is vital.

Obviously everyone has life-situations that are more important than a golf lesson or a game of golf, but some people are just hopeless at keeping to agreed times.

I give people the benefit of the doubt the first time, but after that I'm not interested in excuses.

HOWEVER, we don't know what other people have going on, your captain might have to spend 2 hours on the throne every morning for all we know, not something he's likely to want to share....

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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I work on scheduled appointments, and if I'm not doing that I'm playing in tournaments where personal time management is vital.

Obviously everyone has life-situations that are more important than a golf lesson or a game of golf, but some people are just hopeless at keeping to agreed times.

I give people the benefit of the doubt the first time, but after that I'm not interested in excuses.

HOWEVER, we don't know what other people have going on, your captain might have to spend 2 hours on the throne every morning for all we know, not something he's likely to want to share....

I do know that he has to give his aged canine pet oxygen and medicine first thing in the morning (true) and asked him if that would cause him a problem and he said no. No wife, no kids, he is just useless at time keeping and is notorious for it. I was warned by the other guys who offered to take me but I thought it would be better for him to have some company on the way down.


Head Pro
Oct 24, 2012
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I used to play regularly with 2 guys who shared a house, they used to drive to the course separately due to one of them being a poor timekeeper!

Deleted member 15344

One of my regular PP is poor at time keeping

Have been late to the tee numerous times

Soon with a Marshall arriving he will be given the powers to penalise people for not being on the tee on time

Being in the military time keeping was something that was drilled into me

If I had to be there for 10:30 I would make sure I was there for 10:20

I make sure I'm never late - even for work I make sure I'm 5-10 minutes early so that I'm ready to start on time. One of the shifts waltz in at 7 and have mentioned numerous times that their shifts start at 7 so must be ready to work at 7 not arrive at 7


Sep 11, 2011
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"If I can be on time, so can you" is a line I've used on occasion. If people don't like it, tough. I don't like relying on others to get me places, and I prefer picking them up. I'll tell them, say, 8am if the time in my head is 8:15am... always works.


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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I do know that he has to give his aged canine pet oxygen and medicine first thing in the morning (true) and asked him if that would cause him a problem and he said no. No wife, no kids, he is just useless at time keeping and is notorious for it. I was warned by the other guys who offered to take me but I thought it would be better for him to have some company on the way down.

Ah well, you've made the offer in the first place, no need to do it again.

Personally I hate getting a lift, not only for the independence - factor, but also as all the gear I need, or might need, is in the car. Having to remember everything and put it in someone else's car is a right pain...


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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One of the shifts waltz in at 7 and have mentioned numerous times that their shifts start at 7 so must be ready to work at 7 not arrive at 7

What time does she get paid from?
From 7, or 0650?

Ex-Forces myself, so "if you're not 5 minutes early, you're late" was the norm, however in civvy street it's different. If an employer pays someone from 7am they are perfectly entitled to walk in at 0659 , however if the employer wants them to be ready to work at 7 and this necessitates the employee getting prepared at 0650, they should be paid from 0650.

I had this argument many times in Pro Shops, if the Head Pro wants the shop up and running at 8, this requires the Assistant to start work at 0745, the Head can't expect the lad to start at 0745 but then only pay from 0800.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I am a stickler for time keeping and am just not late unless the reason is outside of my control.

I also had my own business and as far as I'm concerned, if you're not where you need to be at the start time - you're late!

Deleted member 16999

What time does she get paid from?
From 7, or 0650?

Ex-Forces myself, so "if you're not 5 minutes early, you're late" was the norm, however in civvy street it's different. If an employer pays someone from 7am they are perfectly entitled to walk in at 0659 , however if the employer wants them to be ready to work at 7 and this necessitates the employee getting prepared at 0650, they should be paid from 0650.

I had this argument many times in Pro Shops, if the Head Pro wants the shop up and running at 8, this requires the Assistant to start work at 0745, the Head can't expect the lad to start at 0745 but then only pay from 0800.
Totally get the point, the problem with that though is some who insist on turning up 1 minute before or spot on, then want to get a brew or chat about the TV the night before etc and waste the first 10-15 minutes.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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I work on the railway so we're notoriously late. I always turn up a minute before or on start time, then it's brew time.

But it never late for golf.

as for the OP. Should of gone in your own car.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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In this situation, wanting to practice beforehand, etc. I'd have driven myself to begin with.
GBH, you said you thought it would be nice for him to have some company?
I think it was very kind of you to make that sacrifice, as surely if the guy has a habit of turning up late, you expected that, so shouldn't really be surprised he acted to form.
How did you play, by the way?

Deleted member 15344

What time does she get paid from?
From 7, or 0650?

Ex-Forces myself, so "if you're not 5 minutes early, you're late" was the norm, however in civvy street it's different. If an employer pays someone from 7am they are perfectly entitled to walk in at 0659 , however if the employer wants them to be ready to work at 7 and this necessitates the employee getting prepared at 0650, they should be paid from 0650.

I had this argument many times in Pro Shops, if the Head Pro wants the shop up and running at 8, this requires the Assistant to start work at 0745, the Head can't expect the lad to start at 0745 but then only pay from 0800.

They are paid to work from 7 till 7 not paid to "be there" from 7 till 7

So the work starts at 7 and ends at 7


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
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Ex-Forces myself, so "if you're not 5 minutes early, you're late" was the norm, however in civvy street it's different. .

On the other hand there is another school of thought. I forget who, but there was a well-known businessman who said something like "if the meeting is not till half past, you should not turn up at 20 past. That's 10 minutes you're not working or doing other things".

Deleted member 15344

Today is perfect example

It's 7 and the replacements aren't here yet and it's the same people that will stroll in at 7:05

Baldy Bouncer

Aug 7, 2013
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Turning up late all the time, shows a lack of respect, imo. My old man`s favourite saying on timekeeping was, "I`d rather be an hour early than a minute late". I`m trying to instil this into my kids and I think it`s working.:thup:


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Turning up late all the time, shows a lack of respect, imo. My old man`s favourite saying on timekeeping was, "I`d rather be an hour early than a minute late". I`m trying to instil this into my kids and I think it`s working.:thup:

My philosophy too!