
Never been a poulter fan but you cant knock the guy, lets face it he started out as a mars bar seller and look where he is now, he wont be getting out of bed a six tomorrow to go to work.
Pressure is not a part of Tiger's game.

You have only to watch him play to see he 110% focussed. Everything and everyone around him (apart from his caddie) are blotted out. You can see the intense concentration etched on his face, he notices nobody out on the course.

I imagine he never even hears the "Get inda hole" and "You da man" assholes that follow him round!!!
Just watched the greatest golfer that has ever played this game win again.
Oops he did it again! Good post, divot. Isn't he just the best golfer ever? Sorry, Jack!
BTW I'm waiting for ToonArmy to tell us that Tiger was lucky and that the others let him have it. Toony might even ask us whether we'd miss him if he disappeared from the game!
I would. Roll on Augusta!
Unbelievable putt on the last, great reaction too. I've said it before and I'll say it again we're watching history being made boys. In years to come history may judge this man to be the greatest sportsman ever.

On a down note did anybody hear that A***hole in the crowd shout "Hey Vijay get in the water" when Singh was playing his 2nd shot to the 18th. I know there was a post earlier bemoaning the American bashing that sometimes appears on this forum, and I somewhat agree that it can be harsh. But you have to ask yourself, would this have happened anywhere else in the world? I was disgusted.
Unbelievable putt on the last, great reaction too. I've said it before and I'll say it again we're watching history being made boys. In years to come history may judge this man to be the greatest sportsman ever.

On a down note did anybody hear that A***hole in the crowd shout "Hey Vijay get in the water" when Singh was playing his 2nd shot to the 18th. I know there was a post earlier bemoaning the American bashing that sometimes appears on this forum, and I somewhat agree that it can be harsh. But you have to ask yourself, would this have happened anywhere else in the world? I was disgusted.

What else do you expect?
If the players can run onto a green and start celebrating before a match is finished(ryder cup) how do you expect the fan(y)s to react?

I think that incident is probably the worst i have seen any pro act since i have started watching golf and i feel there is far to many in the press/commentator boxes playing this incident down, in my opinion it was utterly disrespectful and the most un-sportmanship behavior i have ever seen, the only thing that comes close to it is the p!ss poor excuses the Americans try to feed us.

C'mon the Euro team.
Geronimo I understand where you're coming from but to be frank it just sounds like sour grapes. If Olazabal had holed the long putt and 'lost it' for a minute like Leonard and Lehman did I don't think you'd be complaining at all, you'd probably see it as quite funny. Things did calm down and Olazabal did get to hit his putt. There is a lot of pressure in the Ryder Cup and the Yanks got a bit excited, they're not as staid as us lot. Let it go, sure it won't happen again but when the Yanks do us this year expect a fairly over the top celebration. Ryder Cup needs competition, one-sided is boring. It's time the US dropped Tiger and Phil and the other 'stars' that can't be bothered with the Ryder Cup and put out a team that actually wanted to play, that would help.
Still can't help but feel the media on this side of the water hype this event up to a ridiculous level. Personally I'm far more interested in the Majors.
I can't ever accept that it shouldn't still be GB&I v USA, seems we couldn't make a game of it so the team was expanded to take in all of Europe. All tradition lost and moving the goalposts so we could win and tell ourselves we're better than them = all very sad really.
Imagine if we did win the Ryder Cup as GB&I as Samual Ryder intended - now that would really mean something and old Mr Ryder could stop turning in his grave at the circus this over-hyped event has become.
Regarding Tiger & pressure, I did see him in DDC lose it when someone took a picture during mid swing, he then went on to fluff a couple of holes and shots, so everyone feels pressure, its how we deal with it that counts.

You all know I am not a tiger fan but hey what can you do.
I can't ever accept that it shouldn't still be GB&I v USA, seems we couldn't make a game of it so the team was expanded to take in all of Europe. All tradition lost and moving the goalposts so we could win and tell ourselves we're better than them = all very sad really.
Imagine if we did win the Ryder Cup as GB&I as Samual Ryder intended - now that would really mean something and old Mr Ryder could stop turning in his grave at the circus this over-hyped event has become.

I'm sorry, but I think this is a nonsense view. Sam Ryder could never have forseen the massively unfair advantage in terms of numbers of available players the US had over GB&I when he started this. Allowing European players into the mix has made the Ryder cup what it is. I doubt it'd even be televised if it had stayed as you would have liked.
BTW I'm waiting for ToonArmy to tell us that Tiger was lucky and that the others let him have it. Toony might even ask us whether we'd miss him if he disappeared from the game!
I would. Roll on Augusta!

Perhaps you'd like to carry on your man-love-in with the Tiger and the USA in your own private booth? :o

As someone else has just said "one-sided is boring"... :p

Yes he deserved to win and well done to him for that, but apparently tour events don't really count for much...(see Monty threads)

And as for the person trying to revise history and claim that the USA behaviour was in any way defensible in Brookline - you sir, are an ass! Regardless of what Olazabal/Europe *might* have done, I can say with some confidence that the European wives would not have run with their stilletos across the green and the line of another player's putt!

Brookline was the low point in golf sportsmanship from the USA and at least most of them have the decency to accept that during that week, they went beyond the pale. I'm amazed that nayone could think that this is something that should be forgotten or is not that important. On that day, Samuel Ryder could be heard to be spinning like a top in his grave.
I did not say it was defensible but Brookline was nearly 9 years ago, several incident free cups played since then, why does it have to keep coming up, they did something wrong in the heat of the moment, apologised after, can that not be the end of it? I can't help but feel if Europe had won that year we wouldn't have heard much about it. It was the usual media-driven storm in a teacup.

I did read Mark James book on Brookline but it wasn't a particularly good book I have to say, couple of hundred pages padded out to cover the one incident of Americans dancing on the green, wrongly of course!

I think there would be just as much interest in the event if it were GB&I v USA, works well enough for the Walker Cup on the same population bias basis between the countries. As a comparison New Zealand are usually accepted as the best rugby team in the world from a population of 3 or 4 million, compared to England, France, Australia etc they are massively outnumbered but population doesn't come into it.
In recent times 12 GB&I players could have been Monty, Clarkey, Westwoody, Casey, Rosey, Howelly, McGinlay, Harringtony, Broadhursty, Ferrie and a couple of also rans like Poultery and Dougherty. Not a bad team really and quite capable of winning now and again I'd say.
I accept this is fanciful but with hindsight keeping it GB&I would have been fine with many of us.

At Brookline Leonard was 4 down with 7 to play and came back to win, the US team did stage a brilliant fightback on the last day so some emotion was bound to boil over. Regarding the incident on 17 at no point was Olazabals putt line run over, they took off down to the front of the green to jump about quite far from the flag - was that wrong, yes, but it has been made out to be worse than it was. We're not saintly either - Ballesteros reputedly being the worst for gamesmanship and 'coughing' during US players backswings etc.

ps Toonarmy, why not debate the topic and voice opinion without the personal insults, for example about my intelligence and shankers sexuality? It's not big and it's not clever! :mad:
Geronimo I understand where you're coming from but to be frank it just sounds like sour grapes. If Olazabal had holed the long putt and 'lost it' for a minute like Leonard and Lehman did I don't think you'd be complaining at all, you'd probably see it as quite funny. Things did calm down and Olazabal did get to hit his putt. There is a lot of pressure in the Ryder Cup and the Yanks got a bit excited, they're not as staid as us lot. Let it go, sure it won't happen again but when the Yanks do us this year expect a fairly over the top celebration. Ryder Cup needs competition, one-sided is boring. It's time the US dropped Tiger and Phil and the other 'stars' that can't be bothered with the Ryder Cup and put out a team that actually wanted to play, that would help.
Still can't help but feel the media on this side of the water hype this event up to a ridiculous level. Personally I'm far more interested in the Majors.
I can't ever accept that it shouldn't still be GB&I v USA, seems we couldn't make a game of it so the team was expanded to take in all of Europe. All tradition lost and moving the goalposts so we could win and tell ourselves we're better than them = all very sad really.
Imagine if we did win the Ryder Cup as GB&I as Samual Ryder intended - now that would really mean something and old Mr Ryder could stop turning in his grave at the circus this over-hyped event has become.

Sour grapes, not on you're life.

This might sound daft but i do not mind getting beat, I do mind if i beat myself but not if someone else beats me.

I think there actions that day are the worst i have seen, as simple as that and as for them apologising at best it was half hearted.

Winners do deserve to jump about like loonies and deservedly so but not when the opposition is still playing.

All i hope for out of this ryder cup is a good exciting close comp a euro win is a bonus for me.

I would wonder what the reaction would be if at this ryder cup the euro team does the same? Do you think they would get of the course alive in front of an american gallery?
I get the feeling that the US WAGS are the root of the trouble and are competitive and hostile towards the Euro WAGS. They are always there looking like clones of barbie and craving their 15 seconds on camera.

Erses one and all.
ps Toonarmy, why not debate the topic and voice opinion without the personal insults, for example about my intelligence and shankers sexuality? It's not big and it's not clever! :mad:

No personal insults thrown birdieman - the 'you sir, are an ass' is a light-hearted quote with no malice intended and if I gave you cause to think I had insulted your intelligence, then I apologise as no such intent was made.

Although, I would like to point out that it was shanker who brought me into this in a totally unprovoked and superfluous manner while he was getting moist over Woods' win. ;)

Or is 'banter' only allowed one-way? :D
No problem ToonA,
Banter's good, the written word is easily misconstrued however, this time by me unfortunately. :o
I genuinely don't think Brookline was that big a deal, not just playing devil's advocate here. I hope we see some desire from the Yanks this year like that shown at Brookline, but without the 'pitch invasions', just to make a decent contest, the last 3 have been a bit dull in some respects.
I like Madandra's idea to blame it all on the women!!
I get the feeling that the US WAGS are the root of the trouble and are competitive and hostile towards the Euro WAGS. They are always there looking like clones of barbie and craving their 15 seconds on camera.

Erses one and all.

you do have a point about the wags, look at the photo that was put up a while ago with the exception of one they are all clones.