Thoughts and Comments Please


I'm 6'2 aswell and had the same problem with slouching, my tip.............

Stick you bum out as far as you can, it'll feel like your bum is sticking right out but if you check it on the range it look just like the tall pro's.

Since doing this i've gained more distance and it helps keep the club head on line... Try it for a few shots, you may thin your first few but keep at it, it's done wonder for my game.
Thanks Bob, I'll have a look when I get home. (Can't get Youtube at work) But if it's anything to do with understanding swings then I might not bother. It's like a foreign language to me and I tend to think that people get too caught up in the mechanics of it and confuse themselves.
If it's tips about how to get the ball in the hole from 100yds in, then I'm all ears.

How hard can it be?????

If it was that easy we'd all be Cat 1 now wouldn't we? ;)
How hard can it be?????

Sorry, it was a quote from Jeremy Clarkson.
Trust me, when you see the you tube, all your long game problems will be solved.
If you are only having problems from 100 yds in, have you heard of the clock face drill?
No swing advice from me, infact, no kind of advice from me, I am not exactly in a position to offer advice. One thing I have learnt though, is be very careful of asking for advice from more than 1 person. My pro is very good at keeping me swinging well, even though I am not happy with my swing entirely, it works (apparently) i was obsessing with having a perfect swing, what did it acheive? A really really bad week of golf! :D

What I will say is, you swing a hell of alot different than what I had pictured! I need to stop imagining how people look/sound/swing before I have met them, needless to say that I am always completely wrong!

Good luck with the changes!

Just an addition to what has been mentioned, the only reason it stood out to me is because is suffered the same thing to a certsin degree - coming inside - and developed a hook.
Out of interest, do your lessons incorporate video analysis? My pro got me up on screen and drew a triangle from my hands, to the club head, to my feet, and back up to my hands. I was swinging right through the triangle, and after a quick session on the explainar (Which is bloody brilliant by the way) I soon got the "feel" of the correct swing path, missing the triangle completely and lo and behold I had a straight, penetrating ball flight, and due to the steeper angle of attack, have been generating a hell of a lot of back-spin. :cool:

Hope this helps.
Happy Golfing

Out of interest how did you picture me swinging.


If it weren't for your devotion to HID, I can imagine you swinging with busty young beauties in Taylor-Made negligees.

whoops, wrong forum, again!!
Homer by adressing a couple of issues at a time you'll probably find everything else will start to fall into place.

I really wouldn't work on anymore than those two things at a time unless you really can departmentalise really well in a natural way. Just, work on these & the swing should start to come onto plane anyway. (If not, then you know your next port of call)

I'd really be tempted to put a lot in the swing, down to the winter layoff. Meaning we're all probably all commiting some very basic errors right now. (I know I have been)

Now, although you could work on the swing plane itself & get it more upright rather than a flat take-away with a re-route as currently. But could without supervision be a risky process & fraught with its own potential problems. In other words don't (yet).

There are many Tour Professionals like for instance Jiminez, who have a flatish swing & it works well enough for him. Actually he swings around himself. Just watch his practice swing, its more to loosen himself up & give him the feeling of what hes after.

Basics like Grip, Address & Posture are the building blocks to work your swing around. They are paramount. Work on those, get them right for you. Feel the natural width you are capable at address & I really don't forsee many problems...

Oh & its the lifting on the takeaway that's the main issue. And, not that of the follow through. I really wouldn't worry too much at the moment about anything to do with the follow through, until you've addressed the posture & address, then you'll be armed to see your pro for further advice, assuming its needed.
Homer, now I have seen that, I dont know how I pictured you, wierd isn't. Like when someone you have known for years gets a new haircut, after a week you can't remember what it was like before.

Dont worry, I wasn't knocking your swing, I wouldn't dream of it, I think mostly, i thought you would be slower than that!
Out of interest how did you picture me swinging.

I also had a different picture in my mind, Homer. From the nice poised balance photo of yourself in your signature I imagined something more flowing...slower. I also usually think of taller guys like you swinging smoothly, a la Ernie for some reason. The speed of your swing came as a surprise to me.
Wow. There's a lot going on there and prolly 5 zillion swing thoughts. Irrespective of what advice you might receive, the only thing I think would benefit is to slow it down, take an extra club and keep it simple using the basics of stance, posture, etc. If you don't mind me saying (and to perhaps follow a theme), put the bag pipes down and pick up the recorder.

we all know you on here and as we'd expect things like grip stance etc I am sure you know all about and would expect you to have sorted but just a couple of observations,

1.) yes you are crouiched at address, stand taller and pick your chin up , it's nearly on your chest so how can your shoulder come accross during the backswing without you lifting your head up.(You can see this clearly in the vid,)and this also rocks you back on your heels.

2.)From this more upright stance concentrate on keeping your head still, and your spine angle constant. To help with this try to keep the weight more on tha balls of your feet to stop you rocking backwards at the top of the backswing.

Don'ty worry about old school, (I'd be happy with Trvino's swing if I could play like him.) but one thing you will notice about any pro in 99% of cases is that no matter how they swing the head and shoulders don't move around or up and down, the swing rotates around the spine.
Fair play to you Homer, i wouldn't want my swing picked apart like this online.

After watching the 6 iron sequence, my first impression was 3 points -backswing seemed very fast, the vertical travel throughout the swing seemed like a lot and the legs were very busy. I imagine that could lead to much inconsistency on the basis of the less moving parts the better.

That's a unique action you have, but as long as you are in position at strike then work with what you have.

The guy who said stick your backside out and flex kness more to get your body lower I would agree with so you can keep the same height better throughout the swing, get grounded better at set up and quieten the leg motion at the same time. If the takeaway is slower too then hopefully you'll get a more consistent strike.

We all know how hard trying to implement swing changes is but you are one who does put in a lot of range time so you probably could do it.
Hi Homer

I think after all the practice that you do on the range, you are being hard on yourself. You obviously swing the club well as you are down to 13 handicap. Perhaps thinking more about the actual management of your round would make your handicap tumble. I am sure at one time or another you have had a par(if not a birdie) on every hole on your course. So you are quite capable of being a single figure golfer. Where do you lose the shots? Do you have a great front 9 holes but a bad back nine? Do you plan how to play the hole when you are stood on the tee? How quickly do you get over bad shots? Do you play percentage golf? etc ,etc.

I really believe once you have a good basic swing, nothing much can improve it significantly. But I do believe there is so much more we can do mentally to improve our play.

Just my thoughts!