The End is Nigh


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Just played 18 holes today and was saddened by what I saw.

The leaves have started changing colour and falling from the trees already. I actually felt a wee depression come over me. Am I the only golfer who feels like the seasons are getting shorter? IS it my age (37) and can anyone recommend somewhere on these shores I can continue to fight my nemisis (my handicap) this winter?

We have not had the greatest of summers but I am going to play every week til the Captains Cup.

I just wanna play golf.
Autumn is my least favourite golfing season, because of the leaves.

I have been known to lose balls in the middle of fairways just because they become hidden by the number of leaves glinting in the sunlight.
Madandra, wee bit early for seasonal affected disorder(SAD) but I know where you're coming from, probably is your age, apparently men our age are the most unhappy people in the population!
Dont know where you can fight your handicap other than at your own club, if you are still on the full course tees and greens most clubs will allow you to submit up to 10 'extra day scores' per year for handicapping - I would take advantage of that, as all the medals etc are normally done by mid October.
I would agree this season never really started and now we are looking at another 7 months of winter before April.
I had 3 months of crap followed by 3 weeks of great golf and now my game is crap again. Played a 36 hole open yesterday, crap 1st round including 2 shanks, scraped into buffer on 2nd round - all very disappointing.

Still a few medals left, time to get a wee bit more off the handicap yet!
This year has been abominable. The real golf season seems to be about 4 months long nowadays. The rest of the time I'm just struggling against weather like this;-

No fears, guys. I'm behind the camera!

No wonder the handicap hasn't come down this year.

Fortunately, there are no leaves to contend with at my course. Though, I do see the odd golf cart flying by my ear.
Get yourselves up to the East coast. We pretty much play all year round, although they do shorten the course in the winter to enable everyone to get a game.
Although I remember playing in February this year when the snow came on half way round, but we just carried on regardless. I mean it was travelling horizontally. One of the best rounds I've had this year and most enjoyable perversly enough.
i echo all your thoughts,just as the swing starts to feel good and things are starting to happen naturaly it starts the wind down,god no excuse for winter shoppin trips !