Tempo work equaling overswing, is it a problem?



Hi all,

I am in a great place at the moment with my full swing. Every night it is felling better, my body is remembering faster and the strikes are feeling pure. Because the shape of shot and weight transfer are now feeling natural(12 months work focusing only on this) I have moved onto tempo/timing as I feel that it is the best way to groove what I have been working on.

I am really enjoying the timing work and it is doing what I intended it to, however my swing has become very long. I can see the head in the corner of my left eye on the back swing, even with my 7 iron.

I am not trying to pull the club from the top, I am not ripping at the ball and I am getting the club square at impact and a nice full follow through with my right shoulder pointing at the target.

So... Why the post then Al? Well I have seen long swings destroy peoples hard work and I am in no mood to go backwards. Is a long swing destructive? For me it is only long because it fits the internal timing I am using/feeling.

Am I good to go or do I need to find a way to back off?

Thanks for your time.



Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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IMO you will be worse off if you stick with an overswing. You will be able to hit good shots but you will not be as consistent as you could be. You will probably find that your iron distance with the same club will vary enormously due to the varying amount of wrist break at the top. Better to have a compact, shortish backswing. For 7I , ideally it should stop well short of parallel in a laid off position, definitely not go past parallel.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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IMO you will be worse off if you stick with an overswing. You will be able to hit good shots but you will not be as consistent as you could be. You will probably find that your iron distance with the same club will vary enormously due to the varying amount of wrist break at the top. Better to have a compact, shortish backswing. For 7I , ideally it should stop well short of parallel in a laid off position, definitely not go past parallel.

cant say i agree with that. i overswing with all my irons but they consistantly go the same distance.


Club Champion
Aug 11, 2010
london Colney
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I've started over swinging since I started doing more excercises and stretching, at first I tried to contol it but have now got used to it and have gained about 10 yards on most of my clubs consistanlty, so is it a bad thing to do?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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The further away from the ball the club travels on the backswing, the longer it has to go wrong on the way back to the ball. That's the way I look at it anyway, plus I'm not flexible enough to overswing :mad:

As sawtooth said, it will be great most of the time but when your timing is off or you're just having a bad day it's one more thing that could go wrong.

Just out of interest, how much distance do you lose if you play the same club with a 3/4 punchy type swing?


Just out of interest, how much distance do you lose if you play the same club with a 3/4 punchy type swing?

95% of my work at the moment is into a net so no way to tell till I get to the range. I am taking this all on board though. Distance is not something that worries me, I am after consistency and so far the consensus is that the over swing will be bad for that and while I totally get that, I was hoping that timing would be the cure.

I understand that the best way to shorten a swing is to add width but I am keen not to get too far onto my right side. Anyhow I am getting a bit deep now and don`t want to come off track. I shall post a video later if the mrs will help me so that I can show to what extent I am at.

Thanks so far..


So why on earth do you want to change it ?
If you start hitting it like Smiffy, then maybe consider a change

I don't at all, this is just me checking in so that I don`t go in a direction I should not be. Just trying to look at things in the long term. So not a cry for help, just a sanity check.

Point taken though bob, thx.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Firstly ask yourself: How many pros overswing?

Secondly ask yourself: Do I hit the ball like any of them?

Thirdly ask yourself: Do I hit the ball consistently?

Fourthly ask yourself: Am I getting any younger? :p