Swing Update - August 2014


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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Was at the range t'other night and after striking the ball well recently, thought I'd film it for reference.

Current swing is here:


This compares to my previous swing which is here:


Apologies about the quality of the new one, but happy that I'm not having to shove all my weight forward in order to avoid a push/fade any more and seem to be finding the middle of the clubface a bit more too!

Thoughts / suggestions?


Head Pro
Aug 15, 2011
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As above really, that's a good looking swing, the backswing looking really nice and compact. Only thing I really noticed was that your legs look a bit awkward and very straight at impact.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thoughts / suggestions?

Good sound positive swing motion which has served you pretty good. (given the index)

But are there issues, which tend to be similar, that flare up from time to time that give your game some problems? So your question. You make mention to stuff going out rightways in the past, & is that still sometimes a recurring issue?

As ever with stuff, with anyones swing motion pretty much, there can be ways to improve some, but that will always require some change from the familiar.

So depends on the goal, time available to work on stuff, the inclination to want to. Any really fairly consistent swing motion which has/is performing to a pretty good level to play the game, always a bit of a gamble if the player involved can change those familiar swing motions & has time to do it, & can wear the work involved feeling a bit 'unfamiliar' for a while so put a little extra pressure on your game to

Would be things you could look at, a good PGA pro used to looking at Cat 1 players wanting to get nearer to scratch, would leave a lot alone here but probably look at some fine tuning in the club's delivery to impact. (freeze positions of address at 24" & impact at 26")


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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haha sorry, I forgot all about this with being away a bit this last week or so!

Thanks for the advice Coach - happy with where I've got it to at the moment. Played well in recent club champs, but just can't get the ball in the hole. I do still suffer from one that leaks out to the right every now and again, but more and more I'm missing left (which I don't mind too much) as I'm hitting a dead straight shot, but still not confident enough to aim straight ...

Will keep working on it over winter and see how I end up in the new year :)

Also Rooter, I have to be diplomatic as you know, but I'm not sure that they're the answer ...


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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no problem, totally get that.

things that would be to look at, if the situation arose that you wanted too -off season, if that occasions arises.

at the top of backswing club goes back, right arm goes a little ways back behind you (so from dtl view, a ways back behind the right hip pocket rather than a little more above it) & right elbow then flies a little away from the body the angle of the forearm pointing well behind. (am aware one very good golfer did this to a 'little' success!!!)

what it tends to do is get the arms/club stuck a little ways behind you, so coming down you have to throw the arms out some away from the body little ways & coming down the arms club & body turn get a little disconnected causing you to chase out with the right arm some (obviously you can do this to real good effect if your timing is bang on given your good playing standard already).

but with the arms away from body, right arm chasing down target line some, then dependent on timing so sometimes with the in to out path you can get if the club face square to path - push, even club face little ways open still - push cut, feel this coming & try to rescue it, arms & hands, & it can then go left a ways.

way out of it would be to take the backswing arms & club going back more in front of the chest.

so check point would be when the left arm is horizontal going back the hands are in front of the middle of the chest, the sternum.

that puts the shaft more over the top of the right shoulder, right elbow then can stay down pointing to the ground, right forearm echoing the angle of the spine more. right elbow then more above & in front of the right hip pocket that ways the arms/club unit come down more in front of the chest to impact, so more neutral swing path, from a little inside to impact square then to back inside again & up to finish, so hardly any compensatory moves necessary to get to impact.

this means your hands would go through impact pretty much the same level as they were at address so the shaft returns through impact on a similar plane it was at address, so optimum club head speed cub face angle more likely to be square.
currently the slight chase out with the arms mean the hands have to rise up to get through impact so changing shaft angle heel up slightly which slows everything down a ways, also can tend to leave the face angle open a little ways too.
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