Swing Review - Getting back into it


Head Pro
Aug 17, 2009
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Hey guys, have recently started getting back into golf and am looking to you guru's to give me some tips to work on over the next couple weeks. Bit of background, I played a lot up until the age of 17 and got down to 9, then with A-levels and now Uni have had to give it up for a couple of years. But now with Masters fever fully setting in, i've decided to give it another crack. I've had a couple range sessions but have forgotten completely what to work on.

I have always had an issue on the downswing and at impact with my posture and rising up, becoming very upright. Do any of you have an drills I can do to keep my hips back at impact at all? Apart from that any advice at all would be great!

Thanks again guys, much appreciated for any help :D:cheers: (Video link= https://youtu.be/PQiZExUMwGY)