Swing path


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Jul 22, 2021
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I have been trying to fix my slice and when looking at trackman numbers a few months ago my bad shots would be maybe -10 swing path coming over the top. Now if I hit a bad one it’s maybe -6 with my average usually after 100 balls around -2/-3 so wanted to ask what would be the most minus swing path a good swing should have ? My -2/3 shots are mostly going were I’m aiming so wondering if I should just be happy with the -2/3 shots or should I try to get it even closer to 0 ?
Also on another point, I just cannot get a consistent + swing path and I found jim ventous on YouTube I’m guessing this must of been talked about before because his swing is very different. I tried this today and 90% of my shots resulted in a draw with no distance drop off. So has anyone went with this swing method?


Head Pro
May 29, 2008
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Nothing wrong with having a club path of -2 to -3 there are plenty of professionals that have club path numbers around this. As long as your face to path numbers aren't crazy open you'll have a very functional fade.

I can't comment on jim ventous though sorry.

Deleted member 3432

There was a thread on this going back a few years if you do a search.