Swing for Ogg


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Ok, you are swinging too loose, too wide and too long. It's like you've passed your driving test and got straight into a Ferrari, your swing it longer than Tiger Woods and even he hits it into the trees...

First a pic and a description of what's going on, and then a fix/drill.


In the top left pic your arm has gotten parallel to the ground but you haven't hinged your wrists enough to get the club up, you can see in the lower left pic that the guy has hinged the club up to vertical (we are going to fix that).

In the top right pic you can see that your left arm is strangling you... in the lower right pic you can see that his swing stop much shorter than yours and his hands are 14 inches away from his right ear

You can also see in the right hand pics that your shoulder turn is very 'level' and your face is pointing at the camera somewhat, his shoulders have tilted (this is the SIDE TILT part of stack and tilt) towards the ball and you can't see his face.

Here's the fix for the moment, possibly the first of a few, to try and sort out your backswing position.

Pick up a club, hold your arms out straight in front of you, grip the club and hinge it up so that it's vertical, pointing straight up at the sky at arms length chest high. It's pointing up to 12 o'clock... tilt it to 1 o'clock.. not 2 o'clock,.. 1 o'clock. OK, now (turning your upper body and watching the club with your eyes) take the club around to the right approx 90 degrees. Your feet should now be facing forwards, your hips turned about 45 degrees, shoulders turn about 90 degrees and you should have a club in front of you at chest height that is pointing upwards but leaning a little to the right (1 o'clock). Now raise both your arms about 5 inches... the club should now be about 45 degrees SHORT of parallel to the ground.

Now it's the tilt part.... look back to where the 'ball' should be, you can't see it because your left shoulder is in the way... so you have to SIDE TILT your ribs/shoulders about 35 degrees so that you can see the ball, so make a left tilt (feel your left shoulder move straight down) with your hips so that your shoulder goes down and your right hip will actually move backwards (away from the ball) as you tilt, giving you depth.

This is your new backswing position. shorter arm swing, more wrist cock and more tilt on your shoulders. There's no need to EVER swing more than this. You should be in a similar position to the guy in the pic I posted above.... and this is how he hits the ball with half effort.....



Club Champion
Nov 6, 2008
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Thanks for taking the time to look at this James, much appreciated :thup: I'll give this a try when I'm next at the range and let you know how I get on.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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That backswing position feels really powerful and NEW.

Not that it matters AT ALL but it doesn't stop me wondering;

-what does taking it from 12 to 1 o'clock do? What happens if you leave it at 12?
-what effect does raising the arms 5 inches do? Bring it in steeper?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
-what does taking it from 12 to 1 o'clock do? What happens if you leave it at 12?
-what effect does raising the arms 5 inches do? Bring it in steeper?

Pick up a club, hold your arms out straight in front of you, grip the club and hinge it up so that it's vertical, pointing straight up at the sky at arms length chest high. It's pointing up to 12 o'clock..... it's like looking a the big hand on a clock face, it's pointing straight up, lean the club to the right a little so it's now at the 1 o'clock position (your arms roll a fraction)

after you make a 90 degree shoulder turn the club will now be on a tilted swing plane rather than just being vertical to the ground.

raising 5 inches takes the club from the red line on the left to the red line on the right...



Club Champion
Nov 6, 2008
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I've tried the new backswing position and straight away I've seen an improvement... my bad shots (pushes, hooks) have been less severe, and I've even been able to hit a couple of soft fades (which I've struggled to do recently) :)

Question regarding the downswing... In trying to maintain the lag I now feel like my right shoulder is working down and towards the ball much more than before. Would this be the correct feeling you'd be trying to achieve?