Swing Check Please?


Head Pro
Dec 12, 2006
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So, I'll leave that job up to Neil Plimmer from now on. You can argue with him if you want.
I'm going back to the real world where people pay me £30 an hour for my qualified professional advice.
Good luck everyone and happy golfing. Bob

If that is Bobs final contribution to the forum then today is a sad day :(
Don't do it mate , your contribution to this forum has been really top drawer and i think the vast majority here have a lot of respect for you and what you have to say


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Take a while and smell the coffee and please come back, even if its to flog that thingammy whatsit you keep going on about.

Like I said in my post I'm not looking to start any sort of popularity contest etc but I do feel that the PGA qualification takes a lot of hard work, dedications and ability and to a certain degree is the benchmark for us amateurs to ensure the guy we are being taught but knows his stuff (bit like CORGI although thats now been surpassed). I know the sense of frustration as a teenager when it was apparent my parents couldn't afford to put me through the PGA course and my pro ambitions were dashed. I would never have been a good golfer but would have been quite happy with my own little business and would have worked my socks off for my members.

I think there have been valid swing advice from a number of competent golfers on here (including the likes of alchemy and sammeeebe) but there has been some rot too (including me probably) which is why I would prefer to take the advice of a qualified teacher. That is MY preference and if justone (who does a good job with the graphics to illustrate his points) makes sense to you and your needs then go with his comments. At least try them at the range and if they don't work what have you lost.

The real crux of this I think is the need for justone and others to recognise the work that goes in to becoming qualified and not to belittle that effort just because their interpretation differs from your own. I hope you won't be away long Bob.


Jun 17, 2009
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you move your head all over the place. The most important thing about the golf swing is that you keep your head still. Otherwise i cant see too much wrong. Although moving your head around can cause so many problems.