Journeyman Pro
I got a Sureshot8800 not long ago. Now after some initial reservations I was actually quite satisfied with the units performance in general. Okay its not got the Intelligreen software, which is a pity, but only a small thing.
Thing is, I've tried requesting a local course to be mapped...(Lichfield G&CC (AKA Seedy Mill)) Now I had a days play there with some mates yesterday & have made acouple of requests for this course already. Now on the page where I made the request it does say sureshot will be in touch...
Has my course been mapped..?
...Has it as heck as like..!
I was assured when I got the unit that any course I wanted I could simply as for if it was not on the current list.
Even over the phone when I logged my 3 year subscription for downloading as many courses as I wanted, which also means I can store upto 40 course for the subs I chose I was assured any course I wanted I only needed go online & make the request & it would be mapped. Brilliant I thought...
Er no..! I'm getting a bit peed off. Now I don't mind going out & mapping courses myself I've actually started mapping out the 9 hole at branston for fun with it. The main course is covered, but the 9 hole isn't & thought I'd experiment with mapping out my own & a little course like that seemed like an easy venture to achieve & it is & I'm more than happy with my results.
But its not concivable or even convinient to go round mapping every course I want to go & play all over the country every time I want to play.
Okay, the online list isn't too bad.Infact its actuially quite good, but its by no means complete & consise...
Anyone else who might have a Sureshot had issues with them mapping courses in good time?
If requests continue to be ignored on courses I either need or would like, then I can see myself looking a lot closer at GolfBuddy when it comes out, or simply going for a skycaddie, even though you can't store that many on the unit.
Now I'd havethought seeing as I've chosen a top end subscription for downloads & over three years at that that any mapping request I make would be towards the top of the pile. Must say it does put a dampener on enjoying using it if I can't use it on courses I want or need to play.
Thing is, I've tried requesting a local course to be mapped...(Lichfield G&CC (AKA Seedy Mill)) Now I had a days play there with some mates yesterday & have made acouple of requests for this course already. Now on the page where I made the request it does say sureshot will be in touch...
Has my course been mapped..?
...Has it as heck as like..!
I was assured when I got the unit that any course I wanted I could simply as for if it was not on the current list.
Even over the phone when I logged my 3 year subscription for downloading as many courses as I wanted, which also means I can store upto 40 course for the subs I chose I was assured any course I wanted I only needed go online & make the request & it would be mapped. Brilliant I thought...
Er no..! I'm getting a bit peed off. Now I don't mind going out & mapping courses myself I've actually started mapping out the 9 hole at branston for fun with it. The main course is covered, but the 9 hole isn't & thought I'd experiment with mapping out my own & a little course like that seemed like an easy venture to achieve & it is & I'm more than happy with my results.
But its not concivable or even convinient to go round mapping every course I want to go & play all over the country every time I want to play.
Okay, the online list isn't too bad.Infact its actuially quite good, but its by no means complete & consise...
Anyone else who might have a Sureshot had issues with them mapping courses in good time?
If requests continue to be ignored on courses I either need or would like, then I can see myself looking a lot closer at GolfBuddy when it comes out, or simply going for a skycaddie, even though you can't store that many on the unit.
Now I'd havethought seeing as I've chosen a top end subscription for downloads & over three years at that that any mapping request I make would be towards the top of the pile. Must say it does put a dampener on enjoying using it if I can't use it on courses I want or need to play.