Struggling to make progress


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Have have been struggling for a fair while to make any sort of headway in my golf. Always two forward, two back, so thought I'd ask some of the resident experts for help!

I am currently working with Pro to try and get through the ball at impact but making no progress, on top of that feel a load of old faults coming back and I'm now hitting weak right and pull left - don't even have a consistent miss.

Some things I think I struggle with.

Over rotation of hips.
I never generate that tight, coiled, feeling at the top of my backswing.
Never feel in a position to get to pact properly.
Vertical instability (body).
Lateral instability (head).

Any pointers, from real experts, would be gratefully appreciated. Am embarrassed to go back to my pro at the moment


Non experts are, without doubt, welcome to take the p1** :)


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Cant help with part one im afraid. Nowhere near qualified.

Part 2 (non experts) is something i can help with :thup:



Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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It's not a bad swing but you are very rigid, looks like you can't separate your hips and shoulders, they all move together which you allude to. You definitely need to address that with some stretching /separation exercises.


Journeyman Pro
Dec 20, 2014
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Another non expert :D

The right elbow looks to leave the body quite a way making the swing quite flat and rounded,

Have you tried this ?



Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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I don't know what half the things in the OP are, sounds to me that you are overcomplicating things, get your pro to sort you out.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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No expert but few things id get you do.

Left hand grip looks way too weak. Doubt you can see any knuckles at all. Try and see to at least two. You won't hinge the club properly if its too weak.

Head shifting off the ball on back swing. Try and keep it more stable. When I shift way off the ball with my body and head I go into shan**ville.

Try to make a more centred turn. When you head moves off the ball you will struggle to control the low point of your swing.

Plenty of videos on centred turn and proper extension. think these two changes would dramatically improve your ball striking.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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His summing up at the end is a good example of what id like to see you do. there is probably a load of other things the pros can point out but pretty sure this will get you hitting well without too much hassle.

I hit 80/100 sh**ks at the range till bob and the coach said turn, don't sway. Instantly changed for me. I had been swaying way off the ball with a driver all last winter at the range. It didn't translate into a iron swing as the head was so much smaller and on the ground. With driver I could somewhat get away with it. Irons I had no chance.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Some of the feedback and videos, so far, much appreciated.

Sometimes a different persons eye can see things that I cannot.

Keeping centred

Are all things I can work on.

Will look into flexibility but have Never been a very bendy person so that ones a longer path!

Thanks all :thup:


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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For me, you are definitely getting better mate. Improving your golf is a journey and its important to remember to be a little patient. You are not going to see obvious signs of improvement from every round you play. In fact, you may have a month of playing pants, but then the next couple of weeks play like a dream. That's how it tends to work for most folk...... unless your NWJocko. The key point for me, is that season by season , your handicap is going the right way.

My only comment from the vids above and having had a few rounds with you this year is that you tend to loose a bit of height in the down swing and bob up and down a bit.......this leads to a few fat and thin shots. Some players make this work though....anyhow, keep up with the lessons, you are definitely on the right track, and i'm not just saying that becasue you whopped me 3&2 at Birchy's track this Summer.


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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How often are you Getting out for a game or over to the Range at the moment Craig?
Personally I think its difficult to make much headway with limited playing and Practice time.
I can only speak from personal experience.. When I started out I was at the range which also had a pitch and putt, Practicing on average 6 times a week and I got to pretty much where I am now (16 years later) within a couple of years.

As soon as I stopped working at it I plateaued and Ive been there ever since.
Im probably a bit more savvy round the course but that's it.

Im no swing Guru but if your limited for Time but determined to get the H'cap down try and do what you can at Home. You mentioned Stability a lot.. I've found Sit ups/crunches work well. Chipping in the garden off a piece of Carpet... Anything you can that puts a club in your hand.

Full swing wise, I don't know, it'll come though.

Everyone's game ebbs and Flows and its a bad time of the year to get any consistency.
Your handicap has got a bit to come down yet, just keep at it :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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if you taking series of lessons keep it up - but you gotta pay real attention to set-up instructions assuming you got some

don't slip back into what feels comfortable as it will be wrong and give you the same issues re strike and ball flight

take a close look at your set-up face on and you'll see a bunch of stuff that is likely given you some problems

both hands are in 'weak' position, lead hand very weak - rotated too much to counterclockwise on the handle this is going to make getting the face angle back to square a ways difficult

guessing this is 5i/6i look where your weight is at set-up on the lead side which is putting both your head tad in front of the ball plus the shoulders are level-ish to the ground, this impacts the plane of the body turn, shoulders, so the little ways flatter shoulder turn, move off the ball to the trailside to get behind it and the little ways 'lift' out of posture going back to the top

this set-up stuff is going to influence the ways you feel you have to swing and deliver the clubhead making you make a bunch of compensations throughout the motion that will make real consistent solid contact little ways more difficult than it would be if the 'hold' on the handle was a little ways tidier and the posture and alignment set-up a ways better

take a look at some good face on posture set-ups with a mid iron see where the head/eyes are in relation to the ball, look at where the weight is, shoulder relationship to the ground (and target line)
so look at the spine angle - how face on the trail shoulder is little ways lower than the lead, spine tilt slightly aways from target, head eyes not in front of the ball

also need to look and change how the 'hold' is on the handle as this will affect set-up which all affects motion

get your Pro (if not done already) to take some pics of you in a good set-up, good grip, from face-on and dtl then you have some reference you can use to monitor how you set-up from the get-go - and you gotta to be real rigorous in the ways you do this as it will play a critical part in being able to improve

real important you monitor this with rigor - don't slip back into 'comfortable'

once you got grip, set-up in better shape, posture angles, weight, head - will be a ways easier to keep a centered turn keeping posture angles, feeling left shoulder rotate back and down under the chin and then better able to stay in posture to the top - start down from the ground up, staying behind, turning down and through to a balanced finish


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Thanks for the input;

@ Andy. I know I'm improving but always go back to the same problems. Makes me think something fundamental isn't right.

@ Dave. Embarrassed to say I've spent £100 on range balls this month. I'm not practicing right and can't see why I keep going backwards!

@ Coach. Thank you. Can you elaborate on grip more, both hands?

Hit a few more balls this afternoon trying to practice some of the things raised. In balls 50 - 100 saw some real positive results.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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take a look how the handle lies more in the fingers so when the hand closes fingers first hand second the thumb is on top of the left side of handle and the crease between thumb and 1st finger is pointing/angled to mid right shoulder so when you look down at address without moving the head (also assuming posture, head position are a good place) you can see 2&1/2 knuckles of this hand

when both hands close the pressure should not be so tight that the forearms tense (harden up) they stay soft relaxed



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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so when the complete hold both hands is formed it feels that the palms are pretty much parallel to each other and like wise the crease between the thumb and 1st finger of this hand is parallel to and matches the other the crease again points around mid trail shoulder
the thumb pad rests on the top of the right side of the handle the 1st finger forms a 'trigger' and there is a little ways of a space between it and the rest of the fingers

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Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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@ Dave. Embarrassed to say I've spent £100 on range balls this month. I'm not practicing right and can't see why I keep going backwards!

£100 a month! Well that's blown my 1st theory out of the water!
2nd theory... Your just Knackered and you need a week away from the range:)

Try having a night where you hit only 3/4 wedges. No swing thoughts, just think tempo..Works for me when I'm struggling :thup:
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Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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£100 a month! Well that's blown my 1st theory out of the water!
2nd theory... Your just Knackered and you need a week away from the range:)

Try having a night where you hit only 3/4 wedges. No swing thoughts, just think tempo..Works for me when I'm struggling :thup:

Was a touch alarmed to be honest. That's 1000 balls and not financially sustainable!

@ Coach Thanks, these are great


Q-School Graduate
Nov 15, 2010
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Try having a night where you hit only 3/4 wedges. No swing thoughts, just think tempo..Works for me when I'm struggling :thup:

That sounds like a great tip, will have a go at that.
Cheers coach Qwerty :D

£10 for 100 balls????? Where are you practicing, Harrods?

Looking at them goalposts mate, looks like Trafford Centre.
So may as well be :p
£10 for 100 though :eek: