Standing UP on the!!


Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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I had the most dismal game on Sunday through the mist and gloom at my Club not helped by an uncontrollable low pull/hook. I have a tendancy to straighten on the downswing and I felt this happening on Sunday, but I couldn't do anything to prevent it.

I have had a couple of lessons and the Pro called it 'shagging the ball':eek: and we worked on steepening the angle of attack on the ball and getting my evit position a little flatter.

I suppose I just don't understand the reason behind standing up hence I just couldn't stop it from happening and i was hitting them all over the shop.

Any tips on maintaining spine angle through the hitting zone greatly received......


Tour Winner
Jul 31, 2009
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Try to focus on keeping your heels grounded through the swing and above all stop trying to smash the ball miles.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I have had a couple of lessons and the Pro called it 'shagging the ball' and we worked on steepening the angle of attack on the ball and getting my evit position a little flatter.

You're referring to 'goat humping' or as it's really known Early Extension and it's caused by steepening the angle of attack into the ball :mad:

It's where your hips move closer to the ball and you stand up into/thru impact as you KNOW the club is going to hit the ground. It's a 'knee jerk' or reflex action like swerving your car when you see a cat run out in the road, and it's Homer's nemesis :)

You can get it with a flat backswing where you then steepen on the downswing and bail out of the shot or you can get it with a steep backswing where you then bail on the shot on the way down. It's kind of caused by not being able to lower the hands properly, combined with not allowing the pelvis to remain deep, but the root cause is that somewhere you get too steep and the radius of your swing gets bigger so the club is going to stick into the ground unless you do something urgently.

To my mind this is the best explaination of it...


Understanding it is often the best way to fix it. Understanding how to swing on plane, to keep some forward shaft lean on the club and rotate the soulders/pelvis properly is the ideal.


Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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Thanks James that is a very useful video. I know that I can also be a bit guilty of tensing up on the tee and not rotating shoulders and hips properly leading to a very 'armsy' swing - I presume this just accentuates the early extension.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Making the arms or the club 'longer' in the downswing is the culprit. If you watch most swings people set up with the club at approx 45 degrees at address but when they hit the ball the shaft is much more vertical so thay have to lift up out of the way, and by lifting up it makes the club more vertical :mad::mad::mad: It's about getting the correct downswing plane so you don't need to do either.


Nov 16, 2011
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Just looked at a Crossfield video of this problem. He uses balance pads to try and groove a different swing.

They don't cure early extension as it's not really a balance issue. (and they're not working for the guy in the video either). To be honest I'd NEVER stand on something unstable to make a golf swing.... ever.


Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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They don't cure early extension as it's not really a balance issue. (and they're not working for the guy in the video either). To be honest I'd NEVER stand on something unstable to make a golf swing.... ever.

Now you tell me, just twisted my ankle getting onto the kid's space hoppers ;)

If you fancy a knock round Pyecombe anytime James, let me know...:thup:


Global Moderator
Nov 19, 2008
Exeter..ish - Devon
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They don't cure early extension as it's not really a balance issue. (and they're not working for the guy in the video either). To be honest I'd NEVER stand on something unstable to make a golf swing.... ever.

Have you tried them then? I don't think there is any gadget out there that cures swing faults. What these do is help you by using balance to stop you moving your butt forward.

Early release is a problem I have, it was pointed out when I had a club fitting and had to get my clubs 2 degrees up to compensate. I have used the chair method down the range, but I'd like to see how these work. If it's good enough for Crossfield it's good enough for me.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'd add.... if you are standing on something then you're less likely to early extend as you won't feel like you need to stand up or bail out of the shot as your club won't be hitting the ground.... picture making a swing with a club that was a foot long...... or standing on a couple of bricks. It's not a balance issue.

apparently he's worked on it for two years? He's saved about an inch and Crossfield doesn't even let the video play.. in fact he rewinds it :confused: (2min 48 secs)


No I haven't tried them, like I said I wouldn't ever stand on something wobbly to make a golf swing. I'm not against you buying them though, just giving my opinion that they won't help early extension.

If you fancy a knock round Pyecombe anytime James, let me know...:thup:

Last edited:


Global Moderator
Nov 19, 2008
Exeter..ish - Devon
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I'd add.... if you are standing on something then you're less likely to early extend as you won't feel like you need to stand up or bail out of the shot as your club won't be hitting the ground.... picture making a swing with a club that was a foot long...... or standing on a couple of bricks. It's not a balance issue.

apparently he's worked on it for two years? He's saved about an inch and Crossfield doesn't even let the video play.. in fact he rewinds it :confused: (2min 48 secs)

View attachment 4124

No I haven't tried them, like I said I wouldn't ever stand on something wobbly to make a golf swing. I'm not against you buying them though, just giving my opinion that they won't help early extension.


He did tee the ball up high when using the stability pads, so this reduce the feeling of standing taller or on a couple of bricks as you put it. The guy hitting the ball plays off 1 (at least he did last year) so had a half decent swing in the first place, so the 1 inch correction is probably a major improvement for him. When I was filmed for my fitting I was probably moving 4-5 inches so the pads will have more effect on me.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
If it works for you Twire it will have been worth the investment. I can't say otherwise, but common sense would suggest that if you were standing on those things and made a full speed swing you might POTENTIALLY have an accident or injury (agree?), so therefore you'll only be making slower swings..... can't you just do that anyway without the need to stand on wobbly things? If you watch the video at about 1min 50 when he makes his 'balanced' swing... watch his feet... does that look balanced? If you ask me he's fighting not to fall over... and that was with what I can only describe as an EASY swing...

and back to the first line... If it works for you Twire it will have been worth the investment. I can't say otherwise.


Jul 11, 2009
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You're referring to 'goat humping' or as it's really known Early Extension and it's caused by steepening the angle of attack into the ball :mad:

It's where your hips move closer to the ball and you stand up into/thru impact as you KNOW the club is going to hit the ground. It's a 'knee jerk' or reflex action like swerving your car when you see a cat run out in the road, and it's Homer's nemesis :)

You can get it with a flat backswing where you then steepen on the downswing and bail out of the shot or you can get it with a steep backswing where you then bail on the shot on the way down. It's kind of caused by not being able to lower the hands properly, combined with not allowing the pelvis to remain deep, but the root cause is that somewhere you get too steep and the radius of your swing gets bigger so the club is going to stick into the ground unless you do something urgently.

To my mind this is the best explaination of it...


Understanding it is often the best way to fix it. Understanding how to swing on plane, to keep some forward shaft lean on the club and rotate the soulders/pelvis properly is the ideal.

This post could almost have been aimed at me. I look at my swing and I see exactly what this video talks about.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 6, 2009
Ingleby Barwick
Without seeing your swing (ideally from down the line), or wanting to contradict JustOne.

It could very well be a balance issue.

If you are mainly on your heels, there will be a strong tendency to straighten up either in your backswing and/or forward swing.
This flattens your shoulder plane and the club then swings underplane to the strike, also your forward rotation is restricted due to being unbalanced resulting in early extension which is made worse by the need to reach the ball because your swing centre is now further from the ball.

The Mark Crossfield video is ok, but I would much prefer to use a Prostance to work on it, the balance pads he uses don't allow the correct movement of the body through the strike and to the finish in my opinion.

I like the video JustOne put up, very clear and easy to follow.

Just need to determine the cause of your issue to be able to best advise how to sort it


Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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Here it is in all it's glory, apologies for the poor picture quality.


Many thanks SHW


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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In my opinion its all in the pelvis.
Note the angle the pelvis is at at address and maintain that angle throughout the swing and you wont stand up.