Stack and Tilt


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Take a look on "The Sand Trap" do a search for the Stack and Tilt Pattern lots and lots of information there.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Generally, people who change to the S&T report their contact improves.
If yours is good then there may be other issues that might need your attention as you said your turn is suspect.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Various on here have tried S&T. Just One particularly (although he is currently AWOL).

A good read is Plummer and Bennetts 'The Stack and tilt swing'. Even if you don't end up going down the S&T route, it provides an interesting perspective on what faults in the golf swing cause which error.

For me, I have found that a conventional swing leads me to the faults of poor ball striking (thin and off the toe), and a bad shot of a big slice.
S&T gives me a better ball strike, with a bad shot of a massive pull hook.
Not sure which is better really.

I am now using an amalgamation of sorts, based around minimal to no weight shift. On it's day, it gets me round.

'The Sand Trap' web site as mentioned above has a lot of info on S&T, mainly because the main contributors are all S&T practitioners.

One issue I do have with S&T is that you pretty much have to learn it yourself, via book or video. Good teachers of this method are few and far between. As a result, when it goes wrong, it can be difficult to fix.


Club Champion
Nov 6, 2008
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Small world - I actually had a lesson with Darren a couple of weeks ago! I couldn't find any S&T instructors in the Yorkshire area, so after being impressed with his tutorials on YouTube (link here) (some of the best on S&T imo), I ended up coinciding my break to the Lakes with a quick drive down to Preston for my first lesson since changing to S&T. Top bloke, and really knows his stuff, it was well worth the money. The FlightScope is a great piece of kit as well.

It was from this forum that I started using S&T last year - after reading JustOne and Murph raving about the swing I ended up buying the Bennett and Plummer book and giving it a try, and haven't looked back since. The book just made sense to me, and the swing feels more natural. My ball striking and ball flight immediately improved, but similar to Murph I have also had a tendancy recently to hit over-draws, hooks etc. so I wanted a lesson to try and minimise these. If I manage to ingrain the changes Darren discussed with me then my swing should hopefully be in good shape soon.

It's a shame that S&T has got a bad press, as I think the majority of amatuers would benefit from using it. Unfortunately many teaching pro's/amatuers seem to dismiss it without really knowing anything about it.


Aug 1, 2011
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I spent around 18 months using stack and tilt, having bought the book and getting some online lessons from Dana Dahlquist (1 of the top coaches of the 'system'). As was mentioned above, my contact with irons definitely improved, and my handicap dropped from 16 to 10. I subsequently got rather 'stuck', however, and really struggled with the longer sticks, and some sh**ks started to creep in. So I went back to my old 'Leadbetter' early-set swing which seemed to improve matters. However, things have stagnated there too - and my irons are getting scoopy/slappy again - so I haven't ruled out a return. I'd say S&T is definetly worth a look.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
i just have to stop being lazy and sliding through the shot,

You can slide the hips towards the target on the downswing no problem, it's not turning your right hip (and thereby clearing the left) that will cause the bad striking. It's also the cause of the bad hooks in S&T, the hips don't turn properly and the arms take over. Pro golfers will have their hips practically facing the target at impact whilst the head stays over the ball.

I spent around 18 months using stack and tilt, having bought the book and getting some online lessons from Dana Dahlquist (1 of the top coaches of the 'system'). As was mentioned above, my contact with irons definitely improved, and my handicap dropped from 16 to 10. I subsequently got rather 'stuck', however, and really struggled with the longer sticks, and some sh**ks started to creep in. So I went back to my old 'Leadbetter' early-set swing which seemed to improve matters. However, things have stagnated there too - and my irons are getting scoopy/slappy again - so I haven't ruled out a return. I'd say S&T is definetly worth a look.

You had lessons with Dana? How much did he sting you for those???? You got down to 10 and changed your swing back for the sake of a few shanks? :D