Stack and tilt resistance movement


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Am I alone in resisting the the unbearable temptation to read any of the 11 pages about "stack and tilt" - and have just noticed that another "stack and tilt" thread has appeared - they're multiplying and taking over the forum.

Join the resistance movement.


One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Am I alone in resisting the the unbearable temptation to read any of the 11 pages about "stack and tilt" - and have just noticed that another "stack and tilt" thread has appeared - they're multiplying and taking over the forum.

Join the resistance movement.

Do you also start "resistance" threads for : What colour Glove should I buy? White or black shoes? Which ball? Oh an Any Tiger Woods thread???

It's a forum, a place for sharing of knowledge....... and the occasional willy waving contest


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Surely if you're not interested it's not 'unbearable temptation'. ;)

That's why I like it when people start threads with good descriptive titles.
For instance, if it looks like it's going to be about football I don't bother opening it.
I still open the ones about the best ball though :mad:


I don't read the threads on S&T as it isn't of interest to me. If I enter a wood cutting contest and need some tips on axe wielding with an unbalanced ugly thrash then I might change my mind. :)

Same goes for threads on equipment too. The obsession with new kit being the cure for all ills in golf winds me up a treat so it is best that I don't look! Most people probably know (as I am a bore on the subject) that my view is that the clubs you use are not a major factor in your golfing success. I am in a minority so I try as best I can to stay out of the discussions as I have been known to cause offence. :whistle:


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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I've actually quite enjoyed reading the threads, not that I think I'll ever do anything with it but, as Gareth says, it is about knowledge.

The one thing that does stick in my craw a bit about it is the tone, i.e. everyone else seems to be "wrong" not "different". Which is quite ironic really as they seem to expect everyone to appreciate their point of view whilst not accepting any other. Hey ho.

This doesn't bother me as if I'm doing it "wrong" I don't really care but for new starters to the game I think it is a little misleading to say everything bar S&T is teaching the "wrong" way.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I've actually quite enjoyed reading the threads, not that I think I'll ever do anything with it but, as Gareth says, it is about knowledge.

The one thing that does stick in my craw a bit about it is the tone, i.e. everyone else seems to be "wrong" not "different". Which is quite ironic really as they seem to expect everyone to appreciate their point of view whilst not accepting any other. Hey ho.

This doesn't bother me as if I'm doing it "wrong" I don't really care but for new starters to the game I think it is a little misleading to say everything bar S&T is teaching the "wrong" way.

As I've said in many threads NWJ, it's each to their own.

When I first took up the game in early 2010 i strated off with the S&T pattern, subsequently moved away from S&T and I found I struggled with my game. Since moving back to the pattern my scoring/contact/general play has improved.

Does that mean it's for everyone and the "Be all and end all" of swing methodology, course it doesn't nor would I profess it to be.

It's helped me enormously and admittedly it's still a work in progress (Driver issues) but on the evidence of last night's range session it's becoming better :whoo:
Regardless what swing pattern you use, if it works for you and give results you are happy with, that's all that matters IMHO :thup:


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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As I've said in many threads NWJ, it's each to their own.

When I first took up the game in early 2010 i strated off with the S&T pattern, subsequently moved away from S&T and I found I struggled with my game. Since moving back to the pattern my scoring/contact/general play has improved.

Does that mean it's for everyone and the "Be all and end all" of swing methodology, course it doesn't nor would I profess it to be.

It's helped me enormously and admittedly it's still a work in progress (Driver issues) but on the evidence of last night's range session it's becoming better :whoo:
Regardless what swing pattern you use, if it works for you and give results you are happy with, that's all that matters IMHO :thup:

Couldn't agree more Gareth and if it helps people then it's good news and best of luck to them.

Out of interest, I;ve heard a few people on here that are using S&T say they are struggling with the driver, why is that? Is it just more difficult to translate the swing to a driver?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Couldn't agree more Gareth and if it helps people then it's good news and best of luck to them.

Out of interest, I;ve heard a few people on here that are using S&T say they are struggling with the driver, why is that? Is it just more difficult to translate the swing to a driver?

One of the reason "I", and I say "I" as someone who is still learning the pattern, think the issue is the ball position being forward and the weight being kept on the left side.

With irons, you make a centred turn with the ball mid stance. With the ball position moving forward for the driver, you have to make an allowance by moving your hips forward slightly (See my pic on pag 20 of the S&T thread).

James is probably the person to answer this as he has a far superiour understanding of the pattern and swing mechanics involved compared to myself.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Well I read one of the threads. But sorry S&T is not for me. Looks strange/daft to my eyes. Cant see anything wrong with the swing that has lasted though history. In my view its just anouther fad swing, that will go the way of the rest. Only my opinion though. If it works for you fair enough. But I must admit I find the I'm never wrong posts in it get up my nose. How about that for sitting on the fence.:ears: ...


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Am I alone in resisting the the unbearable temptation to read any of the 11 pages about "stack and tilt" - and have just noticed that another "stack and tilt" thread has appeared - they're multiplying and taking over the forum.

Join the resistance movement.

LOL... :D

People who swing the conventional way don't need swing advice they clearly know everything already and that's why the S&T threads appear so abundant :D Indeed they know THAT MUCH about golf swings in general they are able to judge a swing that they know little about.

I think it's whatever floats your boat, golf is about enjoying it and some of us like to talk about our newfound swing techniques. Those that don't really shouldn't join in :confused:


Head Pro
Dec 18, 2011
mansfield ,,nottinghamshire
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it takes one person to start a thread ,,& lots of people to answer the thread ,,most people start a thread because there wanting a answer ,so what if its been asked before ,,,I'm sure there is a forum for the complainers


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009


Jun 7, 2011
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Regardless what swing pattern you use, if it works for you and give results you are happy with, that's all that matters IMHO

If you're happy with your swing then you're not a proper golfer imo.

Content is the best I've ever managed.

And that was for 5 holes around the turn on July 30th 1996 iirc