Spine Tilt at Address Away from Target


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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My lazy swing crept back in and noticed my shoulders are slightly open at address, and too level

The result from gripping the club and then grounding it result open shoulders

I am sure this has caused my slight pull

How do you set up at address to make sure shoulders are square and spine is tilted away from target

I am using the left hand on first and then spine tilt back away from target to put right hand on, sounds right ?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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My lazy swing crept back in and noticed my shoulders are slightly open at address, and too level

The result from gripping the club and then grounding it result open shoulders

I am sure this has caused my slight pull

How do you set up at address to make sure shoulders are square and spine is tilted away from target

I am using the left hand on first and then spine tilt back away from target to put right hand on, sounds right ?

Dunno if this will help Pal,
But my Pro has me doing this at address...I was very very borderline reverse pivoting in the backswing because my hips were a bit too level....
Now he has me getting my left hip higher at address than the right which also tilts the spine naturally away from the target a little and closes the shoulders a little....

Hope that helps.


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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My set up is I pick a point out ahead on the ball to line target. I then place the club behind the ball with my full grip on the club whilst at the same time ensure my weight is on the ball of my feet. I then part my feet apart as needed and adopt the stance. Providing the ball is at the right point my spine will tilt naturally.
Only on the driver do I shift my head at address to the right to promote a more upward strike.
I find that mine spine tilts naturally corresponding to where the ball position is, ie at address with driver and the ball opposite my left heal the spine tilts naturally.