Slow play/fast play

I agree with point 2, some people play every game like it's the final day of the masters. No-one minds if people take 10 hours for a round and I don't like being rushed either, but people should let quicker players play through, end of. That's the only real rule people should abide by. and generally it would be helpful to play at a reasonable pace - ie. be ready to take your shot when it's your turn. Time and time again on various courses we get stuck behind large groups, oblivious to anyone else on the course. It totally winds me up. I respect that people have paid their money and play at their own pace but I don't want to be taking 4 and a half hours to play a round! If you want to play for the Ryder Cup let a 2 ball play through!
I think by anybody's standards at any course 3 hours is a quick time!!!! We are allocated 3.40 for our medal although this seldom happens just over 4 hours is the normal. I should have added that this was the club championship qualifying round and people may have been taking a little more time than they normally would. But on any given Saturday it would be the same.
Letting quicker players through only works when there's no-one in front though, otherwise you are back to square one on the next hole!
Everyone's idea of slow play is different!!! A 65 year old 15 capper won't go round in the same time as a 20 year old single figure player, but that doesn't give the quicker player the right to harass them or moan their face off about!!

Speaking as a 15 handicap 65 year old that is a load of old ballony. Generally speaking the old brigade at the courses I play are quicker, have better etiquette and are more pleasant to play with than the 20 year old low handicappers. [remember I said 'generally speaking]
What did they score??

The 3 handicapper NRd at the 7th after a short putt was backhanded and missed followed by a couple of Brian Barnes moments.
She was one over coming back and would have had an 81 but for the mad putting moment. The 5 handicapper finished with a decent score, upper 70's scratch.

29 minutes 33 seconds is the world record for fastest round........wonder what the slowest round is.
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